Ch 11: Tourney 1

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Cricket's P.O.V.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the twentieth school sports tournament" the announcer yelled. "In this tournament, there will be seven sports people will play in. The first match will be tennis between the Pantala Wasps...."


"Go back home!"

"Go Pyrrhia!"

"What a welcome" Cricket whispered to her friend, Beetle.

"To be fair, our fans will probably treat them the same in tourney 2" Beetle explained.

"And they will be facing off against the Pyrrhia Dragons." the announcer continued.


Cheers erupted around the stadium, making Cricket uncomfortable. Why did sports have to be so unfriendly for the visitors?

When the match started, the referee arounced each pair of tennis players......

"First up, Flytrap vs. Sunny!" the ref said.

The round went pretty similar. 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3. Finally, Crickets turn came. Before she could go, Beetle grabbed her arm.

"The guy your facing I've overheard isn't that good, so don't overdo it." Beetle said.

"Got it." Cricket agreed.

"And now..." the ref started. "The Pantala Wasps send out Captain Cricket Sun. She will face Starflight Blackout!"

To Crickets surprise, none of the fans made a noise. She wondered exactly how bad this guys was, because they must have thought he had no chance. Good for Cricket.

She saw the earlier competitor know as Sunny give him a quick hug and then sit down. Cricket was disappointed she couldn't get that from Blue right now, but also knew his game was coming soon.

When the game started, Cricket was surprised at how bad Starflight was. He kept barely hitting the tennis ball. Even due to this, he put up a good fight Cricket was glad she'd gotten, but it wasn't enough. Cricket hit it just past him and won the first sport for Pantala!

After everyone had left for the basketball tournament, she approached the older boy. To her surprise, he didn't look sad, but happier than even she felt.

"Good game." she told him.

"It was." he cheerfully agreed. "But don't be to excited. I'll get my rematch at next tournament."

"Ok then." Cricket laughed.

Moon's P.O.V.

Today was the big day! The basketball tourney was on! It was disappointed that Moon didn't get to start, but not surprising. After all, she wasn't exactly the best player, or a good player for that matter.

When the game started, Moon was worried. They were playing the Pantala Academy Butterflies who for years had been the best team in basketball! How did they expect to win?

Suddenly, Moon heard a screech from the floor. A girl was lying on the ground holding her knee while the medics surrounded her.

"Kinkajou!" Moon yelled.

Her friend looked liked she'd strained her knee. Moon was hoping she'd be ok, but she knew the worst was coming.

The coach walked over to Pacific to call her in, then over to Moon. He looked like he felt the game was already over.

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