E-mails from Ali

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Date: 5/9


u left me again :'( miss u

skool started ysterdy. junior yr is just going to SUCK w/o u, just like sofmor did :(

the grls say hi & that they miss u2, we r all sufferin dai-w/drawals aftr this summr

u remmbr the new guy frm last yr, nate?? he got even hawter!!! i didnt thnk it was posibl!! ud totaly kno what i was on about if ud seen him!!

tam alredy tryd 2 get w/ him, she faild soooo bad, i thnk she mite have actuly blshd, wich u kno she nvr does, linzi is tryin nxt time, wish her luck!!! frm the looks of it tho, hes ternd in2 1 of those playr types. i herd he did both kim AND hannah b4 skool strted this mornin!!!! can u believ that!!!!

mom&dad stil worryd bout u, evn tho ur so much betr aftr bein away, ur shrnk must b awesom :)

whats happnin w/ u??

g2g, moms callin 4 food

ttyl -Ali"

Date: 25/10


Butlrs bday party was yestrdy, sooooo much fun!!!! i drnk so much that I barely remmbr it!! although I do remmbr spin th botle & 7min in heavn!!! Zo got 2gethr w/ jonny, the guy shes been crushing on 4eva!! & i dont thnk u evn want 2 kno who Tam hookd up w/ :D (also 2 save u th awkrdns i wnt tel u wht hppnd w/ me ;-))

u will NOT believe what hppnd!!! u remmbr sofie?? u remmbr whn i said she & nate wer dating?? well this weeknd, turns out they "got 2gethr" at the party, so this mornin, she walks in2 skool, and c's nate makn out w/ lucy against HER locker!!!

i wud feel bad 4 her, but she knos how nate is an ass >:(

howre things on ur end?? the rest of the lunatics being nice?? ;-)

ttyl - Ali"

Date: 17/02

"OMFG!!!! Nate asked me out!!! i am so friggin happy :D

i know what ur thinking and i know he's been a player, but he's been sooo sweet and is saying tht he's gonna change 4 me!!!

im gonna b careful i swear!! i wont sleep w/ him until i'm totally sure that hes being honest ;-)

ttyl - Ali"

Date: 11/06


HE CHEATED ON ME! god how could I have been so stupid? I shud've listnd 2u.

thank GOD ur coming home 4 summer, i dont think i could get through it alone

miss u


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