It's Summer Time, It's Our Vacation

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Considering that I'd arrived home halfway through the holidays, me and Ali decided against going on vacation. My parents couldn't anyway due to work and Tommy was only staying for a few days before leaving to go holidaying with his college friends.

So we mostly chilled in the back garden, by the pool, with Tammy, Zo and Linzi.

"God I love Summer," I moaned, stretching out on the grass, drowning in the waves on heat which washed over my face.

"Well I hate it," Linzi complained, "It's too hot and it makes me sticky and it's too bright to read."

"Go inside then," Zoey suggested lazily, slurring her words as she slowly fell asleep in the sunshine.

"Nope, I may as well tan when I can, even if I do fall behind with books."

"Then shut up, stop complaining and let me enjoy my sun, woman." Tammy ordered, looking very much like a crane as she searched for Tom (she'd always had an unhealthy obsession with my poor brother).

"Stop looking for Tommy. Leave the poor boy alone; we don't want a repeat of little Robert now do we?" I ordered, throwing in a little bit of blackmail in mentioning the last unfortunate soul who Tam had crushed on.

"That was not my fault! He was the one who ran into the pool!"

"Oh it was entirely your fault!" Linzi argued, whilst me, Ali and Zoey laughed at our friend's bright red face - if we hadn't been out here only a few minutes I would've guessed that she'd been badly sun-burnt. "You chased him through the garden in a misguided attempt to force him to kiss you!"

"Still not my fault, he wasn't paying attention to where he was running!"

"Because you had a hammer!"

"Do not bring the hammer into this. It was merely a coincidence that I had that!"

"So you keep saying, but not once have I, or anyone else, seen you do a single bit of manual labour."

"Yeah, because that horrible event - which I wish you'd all forget, by the way - scarred me so deeply that never again have I been able to go near tools."

"Not true," Ali disagreed, "there's been Terry and Drew and Mike and Alexander and Doc-"

"What the hell kind of name is Doc?" I demanded, "it's stupid and should be reserved only for the shoes."

"Supposedly he was a Doctor-in-training, but he spent so much time not in lectures that I highly doubt he'll get anywhere in life except McDonald's," Zoey informed me.

"He seriously reminded me of the asshole out of Fired Up!" Linzi input.

"He was not at all like that dick!" Tammy defended, "he was sweet and kind, and he bought me all sorts of presents."

"And he cheated many, many times, with many, many women," Ali continued mockingly in the same dreamy tone Tammy had been using.

"Speaking of cheating and tools - and I know this will still be a sore subject - I need to know everything you know about the fuck-up of a human being who coerced you into dating him, Ali," my sister froze at my words, a look of horror etched upon her face.

"Um... bad move, Dai," Zoey whispered worryingly at me.

"I know you don't want to think about him Ali, but I need you to do this for me. Trust me. He'll get what's coming to him very, very soon, and you can make it so much worse for him," I pleaded, hoping she'd forgive me soon for bringing him up.

A look of understanding crossed my sister's face, replacing the distorted one from earlier, hope, mixed with a little bit of cautiousness leaking into her voice. "What are you planning?"

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