A Tale of Two Wars

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I felt smug as I walked away from Nate's table. On top of the world. Like I was one step ahead of everyone. I mean I was, but I was surprised at how good it felt; watching their gobsmacked faces as I joined my friends at one of the lunch tables, and acted like I hadn't just made history - or at least history at Roosevelt High School.

I hadn't known it was Nate who I was seated next to in Chemistry. I blame my sister and friends, because, let's face it, if I had seen a picture of the guy I would've known who it was. But no, the idiots had deleted any photos they had had of him and unfriended him on FaceBook. Who does that? I mean, sure, he cheated on Ali and everything, but how do they expect to get revenge without access to what's going on in his life? Idiots. I was surrounded by idiots - I may love them, but they're idiots.

Or maybe they were a lot less vindictive than I was, which was possible, but I doubt that because I've actually met them. One time, Tammy gave her boyfriend a pregnancy scare because she'd caught him with another girl, the dude was just too dumb to realize that she couldn't have been pregnant because they'd never had sex, said pregnancy scare lasted about eleven months (the dude wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box).

But I digress.

At least I had the satisfaction of messing with him now.

I just needed to think up an insane opening act.

I could spray paint his car, but that'd be petty, and I prefer my pranks to have a bit more class. I could spread rumours about him, but that's a little soft for what I'm aiming for. Oh. I knew what I'd start of with. Poor little Nate.

I could see why Ali had a thing for him. He was hot.

Like very hot.

I'd never believed Ali when she'd gushed about how fit he was via email, but holy hell she was right. He had this soft and messy blonde hair, and these cheekbones that male models would be jealous of. And fuck, his eyes, god those eyes. No wonder 90% of the female population at this place were into him (I leave 10% for people in serious, committed relationship and for females into other females).

Speaking of females-

"Oh look who's back Coral."

"Ha! I didn't think she'd ever grow the balls to return after she ran away with her tail between her legs."

"Coral! Tilly! How unpleasant it is for you to join us," I sighed as they made their presence even more pronounced. Coral and Tilly were those girls who you wish would just fuck off. With their annoying voices and holier-than-thou attitudes, along with Tilly's irritating superiority complex and Coral's wannabe-hipster-ness, I was two seconds away from stabbing them with my lunchtime cutlery the second I saw their two-faced, back-stabbing selves.

"Back from the mental institute, are we?" Tilly sneered as she neared my lunch table.

"I wasn't aware that you and Bitch-Face Two had been locked away. But it appears that you may have to go back if you have to ask me whether you're out."

"Oh, so tough for someone who wouldn't leave her room for a month, all because the bad men scared her," Coral mocked.

"I'll scare you in a minute, you crack-faced whore," I threatened in a low voice, aware that the rest of the lunch room was hushed, watching me declare yet another war, this time against a couple of brats who needed to learn when to keep their mouths shut.

"You know Coral, I think she deserved it. Every second of it." There was a collective gasp among the students as they heard what she said. It was low. Very low. Even for her.

"And I think you deserve this-" My fist crashed into her nose before she even processed my words.

"Dai! God Dai, stop!" Ali cried from behind me as my fists pounded into Tilly's once-smug face. Coral smirked behind her, knowing that they'd gotten to me. She wouldn't be smirking for long; as soon as I was satisfied with the damage I'd caused Tilly, I'd turn to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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