Chapter 1. The first day

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HELLOUUU yes finally the first chapter is out!!! :DD tell me what you think about it and if there's any improvements that can be made<3 (btw just a little disclaimer that I'm European so I have no clue how American schools work, just bare with me please😭)


It was sunny, with only a few clouds drifting past the skies. With a box of my valuables in hand I walked along the gravel path lined with trees.

As I arrived at the trailer park I let out a long sigh of relief, I had worried that I was taking the wrong path, but luckily I hadn't.

In the distance I saw the one trailer, my trailer, and my new home.

I took hurried steps towards the trailer that I knew was mine while trying my best to keep my faltering hold on the box I was carrying, knowing it was about to slip out of my grasp anytime because of the heaviness.

I finally got inside of my trailer and set the box down on the floor next to some of the other boxes. I sat down and leaned back into the couch of my trailer, still out of breath from carrying boxes into my new home.

I decided to take a quick nap now that all of my things were packed into my new trailer, so I lazily walked over to my bedroom and flopped onto the bed, quickly dozing off.

This was my first day in my new home.

Hawkins, Indiana.


"Shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck!" I rummaged through my closet in a rush, mumbling curse words at myself for forgetting to set an alarm for today.

"Late for my first day of school, I'll make a fool out of myself!" I quickly stumbled out of my Pyjamas and changed into my outfit for the day. "Fuck, fuck! How hard is it really to set a dumb alarm!? Stupid, stupid, [y/n]!!"

I pulled my bag and my keys with me and quickly ran out of my trailer and locked it behind me.


"Hello, hello! I'm sorry, I know I'm late." I ran into the classroom, completely out of breath. The whole class and the teacher turned to look at me before I awkwardly waved in response, still trying to catch my breath.

"Yes Miss [l/n], you are 25 minutes late, in fact." The teacher gave me an unsatisfied look before continuing. "Please go and quietly take a seat in the back." The teacher spoke before turning back to her desk and writing something down.

I scurried over to an empty desk in the back and sat down. I didn't even know what subject I had walked into in my rush so I just pulled out my notebook and doodled away the time.


The bell rang and I packed away my notebook before heading into the hallway to find my locker.

I scurried around the hallways looking for my locker, then finally found it. As I turned to look to my right, I was shocked when I saw a man there, standing infront of the open locker next to mine.

He had long brown slightly curly hair and a white T-shirt with black sleeves that read "Hellfire Club". He wore dark blue almost black jeans with a silver chain hanging across his right hip. He was also incredibly gorgeous.

He seemed to notice me looking at him so he turned to face me.

"Oh, well if it isn't the new girl. [Y/n], was it?" He gave a small lopsided smile and reached his hand out to me. "Eddie. Munson. But people just call me 'The freak'."

I shook his hand and cleared my throat, giving him a small smile. "Hi! Yeah, I'm, uh, [y/n] [l/n]." He gave a small nod in response as he let go of my hand.

"So when did you move here?" He put his hands on his hips and slightly tilted his head as he spoke.

"Oh, well I moved here a few weeks ago, to the trailer park." His eyebrows raised slightly as I continued. "But today is my first day here."

"Well, isn't that interesting..." Eddie turned back to his locker and closed it. "We'll probably be seeing quite a lot of eachother from now on, I live in the trailer park too." He looked back at me and smirked before turning around to leave. "See ya around, new girl."

I hadn't noticed the pink tint that had covered my face while talking to Eddie, he was not like I had imagined him at all. I quickly shook off the blush that covered my face and turned my attention back to the locker infront of me.


It was the end of the day and I started walking towards the trailer park, when suddenly I saw "The King" Steve Harrington glaring at me from the distance. He must've noticed that I saw him so he briefly looked away, before heading in my direction.

I slightly panicked, Steve Harrington was moving towards me? What did he want? Was he gonna flirt with me? Beat me up? Curse me out? I didn't know but I was not gonna stand there and find out.

I turned around and sped up my walking as I took a sharp turn around the corner of the school building, hoping he didn't see where I hid.

Suddenly I flinched as a hand was slammed on the wall right next to my head and that unforgettable face loomed over me.

"Hey, new girl, you're not very good at hiding." I looked at Steve with wide eyes, he looked annoyed. I laughed awkwardly and tried to keep my composure.

"Oh, hey there! Sorry I didn't see you there, did you need something?" I gave a very obviously forced smile and mentally cursed at myself for being so bad at acting unafraid.

He shook his head and laughed slightly as he looked at the ground briefly before turning his sharp gaze back to me.

"Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you [l/n], but there's some things you need to understand about this school." He kept eye contact with me as he continued.

"Lesson for today; stay the hell away from that freak Munson." Steve looked to the side with almost pain in his eyes as he clenched his jaw, before quickly turning his gaze back to me. "He's bad news. It's best not to get involved with him."

Steve removed his hand from the wall and walked towards his car in the parking lot.

I stood there, leaned against the brick wall, still in shock.

Do I have two guys already head over heels for me?


HEYA GUYSSS<333 so what did you think?This is just the first chapter but I'm planning on writing a lot more🤭💞once again, constructive criticism is accepted and very appreciated!! English isn't my first language as well so sorry if something sounds a bit weird or smth💕💕💕

&quot;The Freaks&quot; [ Eddie Munson x Fem!reader ] (with a twist)Where stories live. Discover now