Chapter 2. The Party

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This chapter was kind of inspired by a comment I got on the last chapter, hope you enjoy!


TW : Homophobia

I was sitting in first period, doodling in my notebook. I had been going to Hawkins High for about two weeks or so at this point.

The bell rang, and I collected my things to leave the classroom.

I walked out into the hallway to my locker and saw none other than Eddie Munson standing next to it, his attention on his own locker.

When I opened my locker he turned his attention to me.

"Soooo [l/n], have you ever been to a party before?" He put his hands in his back pockets and looked at me teasingly.

"Well, yeah. Obviously." I smiled and rolled my eyes at him lightheartedly.

"Well.. have you ever been to a party at 'The King' Harrington's house?" He gestured towards Steve who was looking towards us for a split second, before turning his head back to his locker. Hm, that's weird.

"Uh, well no. I don't usually get invitations to big parties like those." I closed my locker as Eddie continued.

"Y'see, it so happens to be that I got myself an invitation to the one and only 'King Steve's party this Friday." He tilted his head slightly as he spoke. "You wouldn't wanna.. come along, would you?"

I hesitated a bit. Steve Harrington's house? Going with Eddie Munson? That would turn into a whole disaster. Especially with Steve having told me to stay away from Eddie.

"I don't know, I might have to do some studying.. parties aren't really my thing, yknow?" I tucked some hair behind my ear and looked at Eddie.

"Come onnnnnn, it'll be fun! We'll get drunk, dance, have some fun and then Harrington'll give you a ride home. Pleaseee?" Eddie looked at me with big puppy dog eyes as he tried to convince me to go to the party.

"Alright, fine, I'll come." His eyes lit up at my words. "Yes! You won't regret it, I promise." We said our 'goodbye's and I noticed that Steve was staring daggers at me again, but I got saved by the bell and headed to my next class.

~~~ time skip, it's now Friday ~~~

There I was, infront of Steve "the hair" Harrington's house. There was loud music coming from inside so it was obvious I had made it to the right house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

The door opened and there stood none other that Steve Harrington himself. He tried hiding his displeased look but it was obvious. He seemed to be a bit drunk too.

"Hey, I heard Eddie invited you along. Come on in." He let me inside and I gave him a smile and a small nod as I thanked him.

There were quite a few people and that same loud music as before could be heard even louder now, if that was possible. It seemed to be coming from the backyard.

I looked around the house to find Eddie and found myself in the kitchen. Eddie wasn't there, but alcohol was. A few drinks before I find him can't hurt. I got myself a glass and poured myself some [insert cool alcohol drink name uhh idk😥].

A few drinks later and I was starting to feel tipsy, so I decided to finally go look for Eddie before I got fully drunk.

I looked around the whole house, I asked around, but I couldn't seem to find him. I couldn't find Steve either.

The only place I hadn't checked was Steve's room because that felt inappropriate, but could that be where they were? I had to make sure I had checked everywhere, so I went up the stairs and found the one room I hadn't checked. Steve Harrington's room.

I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening the door.

There they were, Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, in the flesh. But the most important detail was that their lips were connected in a passionate kiss. Steve had one hand on the side of Eddie's face and one hand on his waist. Eddie was holding Steve's face in both his hands.

I froze in shock as they both pulled away from the kiss and looked straight at me, shock and fear on their pale faces. So the rumors were true.

Eddie was one of those queers. So was Steve.

"Listen, [y/n], it's not what it looks like!" Steve spat out in a rush, horror ridden all over his face. "I-I had too much to drink a-and I wasn't thinking straight!" Steve continued. "Y-yeah, what he said." Eddie mumbled out. I looked at both of them skeptically. Eddie brought his hand up to touch his bottom lip, a rosy tint covered his face as he smiled a little bit.

He really was a queer. He was in love with Steve, I could see it in those big brown eyes of his. The way he looked at Steve told me everything I needed to know.

I thought about what to say.

"You both really are fucking queers, I guess the rumors were true."

~ Eddie's pov ~

"You both really are fucking queers, I guess the rumors were true," she looked at us and spoke with disgust in her voice.

I just stood there, I didn't know what to do. [Y/n] found out about me and Steve. She would surely tell everyone and our lives would be over. We'd get beat up and hate crimed if we took a step outside.

Homophobia was a bitch. In this case, [y/n] was the bitch.

"I can't believe you two are casually making out, you barely know eachother!"

[Y/n]'s face twisted from sad and shocked to disgusted and angry in mere seconds.

"And you're both guys. IM the one who should be..." She paused and looked at me. "I'm supposed to be kissing Eddie. Not some fucking queer."

I gave Steve a quick glance and it was obvious that he was sad, but also furious. He looked at the girl in front of us with the most hateful eyes I have ever seen coming from him.

"Now don't act like I'm the douche here. I can't believe you would do this Eddie. I can't believe that I actually thought we had something." I noticed that Steve was clearly running out of patience, so I held his hand in an attempt to calm him down, which seemed to work since he immediately relaxed a bit.

"And you." She glared at Steve who clenched his jaw. "You're even more disgusting. You just wanted Eddie all to yourself, didn't you? That's why you told me to-"

"Are you going to leave my fucking house or just keep spouting your nonsense?" Steve interrupted her. Her eyes widened before her face scrunched up into an unamused and angry expression.

"Don't think I'm gonna stay quiet about this. Unless I get what I want, you can count on the whole school knowing about your little gay makeout session." She turned around and stomped out of the room.

Tears burned behind my eyes and threatened to spill out, as I looked at Steve I could see that he was also on the verge of tears.

Steve looked at me and made eye contact before quickly embracing me in a hug and letting out quiet sobs into my shoulder.




Hello againnnn<3
So now we're getting to the actual plot of this fanfic, I think you'll understand a bit more as we go. This isn't actually an Eddie x fem!reader fanfic, it's a steddie fanfic. I don't wanna expose too much of what's to come, but I will say this:
This story is basically my interpretation of what I think would happen if those straight girls who crush on Eddie and call them his "gf"  actually interacted with him, specifically if he was queer (in this story he's specifically gay, the sexuality, bcs it's my hc for him). You act as if you would be friends with him or date him, when in reality you would probably be one of his bullies.

Love, your favorite gay and genderfluid author. <333

(This is merely a fanfic though so don't take it to heart please, if you're a straight girl and like Eddie there's nothing wrong with that. This fanfic is just to sort of mock the ones who take it a bit too far and to show that it's harmful, especially since he is very obviously queer coded.)

#heterophobicandproud /j

&quot;The Freaks&quot; [ Eddie Munson x Fem!reader ] (with a twist)Where stories live. Discover now