Chapter 4

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I was early for practice like usual, although today I wanted to practice some certain moves by myself. Ever since I signed up to be a private dancer again, I've been practicing and learning new moves. They were hard but with enough practice I knew I could do it.

I was already stretched and warmed up so I didn't hesitate to step on stage and practice some of the moves. I started with some simple ones to prepare my body and then tried the more difficult ones. The music I played helped me to concentrate on the pole.

Just as I twirled around the pole with just my leg, I heard chatter. It was probably Randy talking on the phone or something so I continued with my move. Once I finally hit the hard stunt, I heard the voice come closer. That's when I figured out it was Randy, but he wasn't alone.

"Kellin!" He shouted through the loud music. I came to a stop before quickly jogging to the music and turning it off. After that, I turned back around to walk to Randy. When I did, I was met by a big surprise.

"Kellin, I'm sure you've met Victor Fuentes?" He asked, and looked at the beautiful man beside him. My breath hitched at the sight of him. His glory and beauty was the same as last Saturday's. What is he doing here?

"Sugar Lace. . ." I saw him mouth out. I'm sure Randy didn't see it though. "Kellin, it's nice to see you again."

I was out of breath as I could feel his eyes roam my sweaty body. His eyes went from my feet to my face. This time, I didn't have the mask though. He knew what I completely looked like now.

"Nice to see you too, Mr. Fuentes." I said, trying my best to not let my voice crack when he extended his hand out. I slowly took it with mine and shook his hand. Just his touch was enough to made me fall. His grip was firm but gentle at the same time. Oh, it might of been just his hand, but it was one of the hottest hands. I guess I'm insane for thinking that.

"Mr. Fuentes here was truly captivated by your performance on the stage and during his private show. He was wondering if you'd be interested in being his private dancer instead of it being Justin."

My mouth opened a little at his words. Victor's private dancer? Full Time? Oh god, this man will drive me insane.

"Does Justin know? Would he even have another client if I took his?" I asked, taking my eyes off the beautiful human in front of me.

"Not yet, we wanted to discuss this with you first, Kellin. And there are plenty of other people waiting for a dancer. I'm sure we can find him someone."

I gnawed on my bottom lip in thought. What would Justin think? He's my best friend. What if he liked his client?

"Well, I. . .would have to know Justin's opinion first. If it's okay with him, then I'll consider." I said and brought my eyes back to Victor.

"That's fine. You don't have to make a decision right now," Victor spoke up with a smile. I nodded in response and tried my best to keep cool.

Before Randy could say anything else, his phone rang in his pocket. With a small smile, he excused himself before walking away from us and into the hallway to take the call. Now all left was Victor and I.

"You know, I knew you were beautiful ever since my eyes fell on you, but now I know that your much more, Sugar Lace." He said, making my cheeks uncontrollably get consumed with heat and pink coloring. "And your performances, they were absolutely breath taking."

"Thank you, Mr. Fuentes." I said, a mere whisper.

"Please, call me Vic." He said which I nodded to. "By the way, those were some very impressive moves you had going on."

I turned rosy pink once again. Goddamn.

"Thank you, Vic." I said.

"I'd. . .love to see them in private. . ." He said, his tone almost seductive. I looked at his deep brown eyes. They were so intense.

Before anything else could happen, Randy came back.

"Sorry about that. Just the costume designer." He said, completely oblivious to the tension between Vic and I. Was it like twenty degrees hotter now?

"It's alright, but I have to get going back to the office now to take care of important matters." Vic said, looking at me up and down one last time before smirking.

"Oh yes, we won't keep you waiting longer." Randy said with a smile.

"It was a pleasure seeing you again, Kellin." Vic said. "I hope you're able to accept my offer."

I nodded, but struggled to say anything back. Vic just smiled before saying his goodbyes to Randy and then walking away.


Practicing was hard with having Vic on my mind. I wanted to block him out, but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. My attention needed to be on the pole, not on a stranger.

I could barely even look at Justin. I have no idea how he would take those news. Never did I think I would want to be a private dancer again this badly, but I was also afraid of letting Vic down. He seems like a man who doesn't take rejection and that kind of terrified me. I know he wouldn't hurt me, but what was he capable of?

More importantly, why did he come all the way to the club on a weekday to talk about it with Randy? What was the hurry? I have no clue, but it's truly flattering.

After practice was over, I made my way to Justin's dressing room. The question was eating me alive so I decided to do it right now rather than tomorrow.

I knocked on his door and waited a few seconds for the door to open.

"What's up?" He asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"Can I come in?" I asked. He nodded before moving out of the way so I could walk inside.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just need to ask you something." I said.

"Okay, then what is it?"

I tried to word everything the best way.

"So, Victor Fuentes came to see me today."

"Wait, my client?" he asked confused.

"Yeah. . ." I replied with a nod.

"Well, what did he want?"

"H-he wants me to be his private dancer. I'm sorry, I won't accept his offer if you don't want me to. He can be your client if you still want him. It's okay because after all he is your client so if you want I can just-"

"Oh be quiet," Justin said with a small laugh, "it's totally okay. This just means that he digs you dude!"

"I don't think so-"

"Oh c'mon, it's so obvious! Of course you can become his full private dancer. I couldn't care really."

His words immediately relieved me. For a second I thought he would get mad or something. Just proves how cool and chill Justin really is.

"Alright, thanks." I said, releasing the breath I held in.

"No problem, but dude definitely get some!" He half shouted but I glared at him.

"Oh shut up! He's too old for me anyways," I lied.

"He's probably just a few years older. Who cares!" Justin said loudly although I didn't want to give in. Vic is just an ordinary attractive guy.

"Whatever," I said before walking out of his dressing room and into mine again.

I'll admit I'm attracted to Vic, but that's all. He doesn't even seem like my type. I know he wouldn't go for a guy like me so why even try?

I'm just a nightclub dancer.


I have so much testing this week but I wanted to post this because of all of your lovely comments. It really means a lot and it makes me want to keep writing this story.

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Comments- 2

For next update!!

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