Chapter 28

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The next morning, I woke up to a lonely and cold bed. His side was untouched, just how it had been last night. I stood up and walked out to the mini living room area. He wasn't in there nor the bathroom. I wonder where he is.

It was a quarter passed eight o'clock so I decided to take a shower. After that, I changed into some fresh clothes and checked my phone. I contemplated on calling him but decided against it.

There was breakfast downstairs so after getting ready, I walked down. I thought that maybe Vic would be here but he wasn't. With that, I walked around the room and served myself some breakfast. Soon I sat down at an empty table and ate my breakfast.

I didn't really have much of an appetite but I'd have to deal with it. It was just really hard to enjoy my breakfast when all I wondered where Vic was. The whole thought made me uneasy. But at the same time, maybe he was with his brother or something.

Just as I thought about calling him, I saw Mike but there was still no Vic. He was also getting breakfast and when he saw me, he walked over to me.

"Good Morning." He said and sat on the other side of the table. |

"Morning," I said and plastered a smile on my face.

We were silent for a while but then he spoke.

"So you and Vic, huh?" He asked taking a sip from his coffee. "He came to my room pissed off last night and crashed on my couch."

"Oh, yeah I figured he'd gone with you." I said quietly, nibbling on my french toast.

"Is everything okay? You don't have to tell me but he didn't utter a word about it last night," Mike said.

"No, it's okay. It was just that I have this job offer and Vic doesn't want me to accept it because it's in LA. He was just being really selfish and we ended up fighting about it and eventually I left." I said and Mike nodded. "Oh, and I told him that I love him."

"What did he say?"

"Well, he said that he loved me." I said with a small frown.

"See, I told you Kellin. Vic loves you." He said, making me chuckle.

"Not if he said such things. For Christ Sake Mike, he thinks I'm his property. He wants to control my life but I won't let him do that."

"Really?" He asked bewildered.

"Yeah, and this isn't even the first time its happened." I said, remembering the first time he did it. "Vic said that I'm not going because I can't leave him. He thinks that I'm breaking up with him, when in reality that's not the case. He just doesn't want me to move away."

"Well, I mean, how would you feel if Vic moved away from you?"

"That's what would happen anyway if I moved. Yeah, I don't like the idea of being more than a hundred miles away from him, but I can't just pass this job opportunity."

"Yeah, I get it. My brother can be a little possessive but he only does it because he cares." He defended.

"It's still not right."

"Yeah but also, you're like his first serious boyfriend. He's had his flings but has never really been in a relationship like this. It won't be easy for him to just let go."

He was right. I guess I'd feel the same way but I would also understand that the job offer is a good opportunity.

"He's in my room if you want to talk to him."

I thought about it for a second before making up my mind.

"What number?"

"Second floor, 210." He said and handed me the room card. I thanked him, stood up and walked away from the breakfast room. I made my way to the elevator and patiently waited for its door to open. Once I was inside, I clicked the second floor and then I was up.

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