Chapter 37

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It was such a nice feeling to just lay on the couch with Vic. The conflict was over, and now we were together. I had been 'happy', but now I was much more than that. Everything is how it's supposed to be. The missing piece is now found, and I'm complete. We're complete.

I don't know how long it had passed, but it wasn't much that's for sure. All I know is that I could stay like this forever. Vic's side was pressed to mine, and my head was on his chest. My head would slightly go up with each breath he'd take, and his heart thumped underneath my ear. Our hands were interlocked together, and we just took everything about this moment in.

"Were  you really just going to leave after running out of the house?" I asked softly.

"Originally, yes, that was the plan. I was too much of a coward so that was my only choice." He said and I frowned. "I was just too embarrassed - heck I'm still ashamed of pushing you."

"I told you that it's okay." I said, chuckling to assure him. "Besides, remember that I punched you back in Mexico."

"Yeah, but I actually deserved that and much more too." He said making me roll my eyes. Well, he wasn't wrong, but he is.

"What made you come back?" I asked curiously.

"It was actually your friend, Oliver. Right as I was about to drive off, he knocked on my window. We talked about everything, and eventually I came to my senses." He said, and I was honestly surprised. "I've realized now that he isn't that bad and that I very much misjudged him. Even though things did happen between both of you, I'll try my hardest to just let it go. Again, I'm really sorry for taking out my anger out on him. He didn't deserve it, but even though I did that to him, he still helped me and look at us now. I'll have to properly thank him later."

"I'm glad you are more. . .accepting of him. Thank you, Vic."

"You deserve to do whatever you want, so if you want to be friends with him, don't let me stop you from that. Heck, if you still want to live here, go ahead. I know nothing will happen between both of you again, so do whatever you want, Kellin."

I smiled at his words but I couldn't help but feel like he was hesitant. Even though he's more accepting of Oli, I know that a small part of him will never fully accept. He's trying though, and that's all that truly matters.

"Thank you, but actually I think that I will get an apartment soon. I like living here, but I would like to have my own private space, ya know? He's great and everything but I feel like a burden sometimes. So yeah, I'll definitely this time go check out the apartments I had written down. If I have a chance I'll do it tomorrow after practice, but if not then Wednesday."

"Oh yeah, about that, how's the new job?" Vic asked.

"It's great in all honesty. Ever since day one, I clicked with everyone and the production. It's just so cool to be surrounded with a ton of people who share the same passion as me. Some of them aren't just dancers either. They're actors and singers, I literally envy them." I said with a small laugh as I think about my co-workers.

"Well, you never know unless you try. Who knows, you might be the next Jennifer Lawrence or Beyoncé. You should try one day." Vic said, sounding like a mad man.

"Yeah right. I'll stick to dance," I said and couldn't imagine me as a singer or actor. That's just weird.

"But anyways, I'm really glad you like and are happy with the position."

"Yeah, thanks for finding the gig and then almost taking it away from me when I had just got it." I said with a smirk.

"I'm still so sorry about that, Kells." He said with a frown, and I laughed again. "Have you actually forgiven me?"

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