Chapter 12

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Just as I walked away from everyone, I caught a glance of Oliver. He looked confused at my departure but I just gave him a small smile. I still thought he was pretty cool no matter what Vic said. I thought he was cute too but I won't mention that to Vic.

I walked out through the front doors of the mansion and looked for Vic's car. His black Porsche was parked upfront and once he saw me, he rolled down the window and told me to get it. I walked down and opened the passenger door to get in.

"For a second I thought you wouldn't be able to get away from your friends," he silently snickered.

"Yeah, no it's all good." I said with a smile.

Without a second to waste, we drove off. Music played in the background but neither of us said much. I really wanted to know what was wrong with Vic but I don't know what he'd say. What if he didn't want to tell me? Or what if I was crossing a line because this was his business and not mine?

My mind was going insane with curiosity but Vic was able to calm it down. Just as he drove, he extended his right hand out towards mine and intertwined our fingers. I relaxed under his touch and looked at him. He had his eyes on the road but gave my hand a light squeeze.

Fifteen minutes passed and we arrived at his home. Silently, I walked beside him and entered the house.

"I forgot to mention that you looked incredibly hot today." Vic said and turned around to caress my cheek.

"I could say the same thing about you," I said making him smile. Vic inched his face closer before kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss but pulled back.

"We need to talk about what you said earlier," I said.

"Ugh," he whined, "can't we just like, fool around a bit?"

"No," I said sternly, "tell me what's wrong?"

He sighed and led me to a couch.

"Okay, so tell me why your day has been so shitty?" I asked.

"Well, it's mostly from the office. There is this new project I'm specifically working and nothing seems to be going right. This is really important for me and the company so there is so much pressure right now that I'm almost going insane. The project reflects my future and my father. I can't let him down you know?"

I nodded and realized that Vic was more than just a little stressed.

"And then at the party, I saw some people I'm not very fond of which just ruined my mood even more." He said with bitterness in his voice.

I wonder who that was but I won't ask.

"I was so close to just leaving the party right when I got there but then that's when I saw you." He said and looked at me. "I was happy to see you and a little confused too. Because of that I considered staying longer to talk to you but then I saw that friend of yours."

"That's when you got jealous." I said trying my best to hold in the small grin dying to appear on my face.

"Don't mock me," he said with a small frown.

"Awe, Vic got a wittle jealous. How cute," I playfully mocked him. "I'm kidding, we were just talking anyways."

"It didn't look like just talking. . ." He said making me roll my eyes.

"We were just talking like two normal guys." I defended.

"More like flirting," he stubbornly said.

"Are you saying that I was into him?" I asked.

"It kinda looked like it and he was surely into yo-" he said but I cut him off by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and tugging him towards me. He looked a little surprised at my action but I had to prove a point.

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