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     When I wake up the next morning, I have a splitting headache. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for probably fifteen minutes before I even look at my phone to see what time it is. 9:30. I slept in. I have a few missed calls from Morgan, but nothing else. I was kind of hoping Wes would have called. He's probably just letting the dust settle, though. 

     I call Morgan back just to make sure there wasn't any kind of emergency. He picks up on the first ring.

     "Hey," Morgan whispers. "Why didn't you answer?"

     "Um, I was asleep. Why are we whispering?"

     "I don't know where I am."


     "I'm in some girl's bathroom, I don't know. I must have went home with her last night. No clue what happened."

     "And, you're callin' me... why?"

     "I need you to come pick me up." I roll my eyes.

     "What happened to Hardy?"

     "He ain't pickin' up the phone. Please, I'm beggin' you. I gotta get outta here before she wakes up."

     I sigh. "Send me your location."

     I hang up and tumble out of bed and to the bathroom to wash the makeup off my face from last night. I throw on some grey sweatpants and a big red crew neck, then I'm out the door and to the rescue. I'm somewhat irritated that Morgan asked for my help, but more surprised than anything else. 

     Ten minutes later, Morgan's in the passenger seat of my Jeep thanking me over and over again for coming to his rescue. 

     "Let me repay you. How 'bout I buy you breakfast?"

     I shrug and pull into the nearest diner. We walk in and grab a booth by the window, and a sweet old woman comes to take our drink orders. 

     "I would like a water with lemon please," I say through a smile.

     "Same here, thank you!" Morgan says. After she walks away and we both decide what we'd like to eat, Morgan asks, "So, what's everyone sayin' about the album?"

     "Shit, I don't know. I ain't even thought about that yet today. I called you back as soon as I woke up." I pull my phone out of my pocket and open Twitter. "Well, it's trending. One girl says, "Natalie Duke's new album just saved my life." That's pretty cool. Seems like everyone likes it. Oh, one guy said, 'Natalie Duke? More like Natalie Puke. 0/10.' Okay, I'm not going to read anymore." 

     "Guy's an idiot," Morgan says.

     "You literally said last night that you didn't like the album," I laugh.

     "No, I never said I didn't like it, I said it wasn't you. I like you," Morgan clarifies. I nod. Our waitress comes back with our waters and we order our food. 

     "I would like two pancakes, two eggs scrambled with cheese, bacon, hash browns smothered and covered, 'n a side of toast please," I say.

     "I'll have what she's having," Morgan says. 

     "I'll put that right in for you."

     I take a long, refreshing sip of my water. "So, what's up with you today?" Morgan asks. 

     "What d'you mean?" I ask, playing dumb.

     "You seem off."

     "I don't think you know me well enough to know when I'm off and on."

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