Chapter 24: The Big Fight, Finals passed

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It was the day of the finals, and I've been working out and training my ass off for it.
We were waiting at the dome when the school staff showed up.
Rh: "Good evening both class 1A and 1B, welcome to your finals. How this will work, you will be put in the same team as you were in the midterms, and you will be judged on both individuals and Team work."
We all got into the team again.
I fist bumped with both Shino and Shizu, and hugged Raven.
Rh: "Team 1, you will be verse Ms. Venus her self. Team 2, you will be verse the Nurse. Team 3 aka Sky's team, you will be verse, Notch."
He went down the list of what team is verse who.
Sh: "We have to fight your trainer?"
S: "Yea. But, he's not a joke, his powers I like the opposite of mine."
Sh: "Jeez, so we're fucked?"
S: "Do say that? See, unlike me, Notch as one specific weakness to him. Notch apples."
Sh: "What?"
Sh2: "Wah?"
I pulled out of my vest 4 Notch apple aka Enchanted gapples.
S: "These if we eat them, we will have a even match against him."
Notch warped us to the arena him inside us outside.
S: "Alright. Let's do this."
We all walk into the arena.
Action immediately happened.
Me and Raven went left as Shino and Shizu went right.
I yelled mask as Raven turned into her Demon self.
I did a flip and was flying in the air, same with Notch.
N: "From all the training, you ready for the fight of your life?"
E: *macanical demonic laughter that continues with a deep demonic voice* "You've trained us well ol' mate, and we may have the same power, but I've yet to unlock full potential. So, now it's time to battle."
Then we went at it.
Entity for a little while pretend Notch was a match to him.
After a few mins we were both on the ground.
E: *fake heavy breathing* "Your, your definitely a challenge ol' mate."
N: "Yea, same goes for you."
E: "But, now it's time, to push the limit." Entity pulls out in ink sword. "Let's see how fast you can reach and act."
Notch pulled out an op enchanted netherite sword.
N: "Alright, bring it."
I mapped out a pattern, and went with it.
A full on sword battle began between me and Notch.
R: "While Notch is occupied, let's find the objective and take it with us."
Sh2: "What about Sky?"
Sh: "He's find, now let's go."
After another long battle.
Entity got bored.
E: "Alright, no more faking it."
Entity went behind Notch and cuffed him.
N: "What?"
E: "I was faking the whole time, you weren't really a match."
N: "You bastard."
We laughed as we walked back to the done, Entity switched back with me and I uncuffed Notch as we got to the dome.
Rh: "Welcome back Team 3."
S: "Were we the first ones done?"
Rh: "Actually you were the 2nd, the team verse me was first."
S: "Ah, neat."
Rh: "So how'd it go Notch?"
N: "It went actually good, as Entity was battling me, it gave a distraction to where the other could grab the objective and secure it.
And as Entity has me tryna catch my breath, he was able to cuff me and finish the battle."
Rh: "Wow. Excellent work all of you.
Well, go ahead and he back to your dorms, you'll receive your grade and scores in class tomorrow."
We all went back to our dorms and went to bed.
The next day we got ready, had some breakfast and headed over to the class room a bit earlier than usual.
Rh: "Oh. You guys are early."
S: "I mean we wanna know if we passed or not."
Rh: "I see, well, since you fought Notch, me and Notch will be doing your scores, me for group and Notch for individual."
We nodded and took a seat.
Rohnan went to go get Notch.
I looked a Shino.
S: "Nervous?"
Sh: "More of just worried."
S: "Don't be."
Sh: "What you mean?"
S: "If you get worried over something is a 50/50.
The worried is gonna change that to 70/30."
Sh: "I guess that make sense."
Notch and Rohnan came back in.
Rh: "Alright, your score as a group. You got a 10 on all of the marks, a 10 on team work, 10 on strategy, 10 on capturing the objectives successful and 10 on everything else. You all did amazing work on the group. 100/100 yet again.
Now time, for your individual scores, go ahead Notch."
N: "Alright, for the individual scores, I'll have you be outside and have you come in 1 by 1. Than when all you get your scores, I'll invite you all back in."
We all walked out side.
N: "Sky, your first."
S: "Oh ballocks."
N: "What don't like being first?"
S: "I honestly thought I'd be the last one like last time."
Rh: "Well, we like changing things up."
S: "Fair enough."
N: "So, I wanna start with. The intense fake fight you gave me, what a way to make someone seem there a challenge."
S: "I mean. Entity is a lot more powerfull than, both you and Brine combine."
N: "Yea."
Notch cleared his throat.
N: "On the power uses, you got a 10, you used the Ink sword to defend the enemy.
You got a 10 on everything.
Once again, 100/100.
How are you at a Hero Academia and not a Hero College?"
S: "Because, there's no such thing."
Rh: "That is true."
They gave me my paper for passing.
N: "Congrats, tomorrow, you'll be able to go back. To where ever you live."
S: "That's the thing. Before I came here. There was someone I fought, and they destroyed my home and killed my family, I came here to learn how to use my powers better, so I can finally take my revenge on a bastard."
N: "Well, Good luck on that."
S: "Thank you, and maybe I'll come back sometime, to show any new comers, how I was taught at Monarch Academy."
I stood up and was ready to warp to where the person that ended my family.
And before I did Raven came in and hugged me.
S: "Heard me thru the door?"
R: *teary voice* "Yes. Will you come back and take me to your new home?"
S: "Of course my love, I'm gonna come back, cause now Entity is at his full power. He can pretty much just sit in a chair while someone attacks him.
No need to worry bae, I'll be back, just gotta take care of something I didn't have the strength to before."
She gave me a kiss, than I warped to the excat area where that person was the start if everything.

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