Chapter 4

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Hahaha.... You guys know how I said I wanted to get into a routine? That was apparently a fib!! So I'm going to put this new chapter out!!

'' Is for Andrews Lion ´´
'' Is for Andrew ´´

Lilith stared into Andrew's eyes, her heart pounding more than beforehand, '' I- I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling like I wanna shift, nor does my sheep half ´´ she whispered sheepishly, hoping the lion would accept it as that.

'' Mate is lying!! I can practically see it written on her face!! ´´ The Lion roared inside of Andrew's head

'' Lilith..... ´´ He paused, taking a deep breath before he sighed heavily, '' Okay, I believe you, So, Please. Let me know where you live so I can get you home safely ´´ he whispered in defeat, he suspected she was lying, that she was in fact a human, but he had no proof.

'' **** Street ´´ Lilith whispered, that was the closest to the human territory, and Max's house, Andrew nodded before he started towards that Address, Once they arrived he sat her down and gently patted her upon the head before leaving.

Once he was out of eyesight she quickly raced in and towards Max's room, quickly saying hello to his mother and father, '' Lilith!! ´´ Max cried out in relief before pulling her in for a tight hug, '' Lilith you're okay!! I thought Andrew was going to take you to his territory and I'd never see you again..... Not like that new by now..... ´´ he spoke, his words getting quieter by the second.

'' Max, I'm so so sorry!! ´´ she sobbed '' B- But I noticed how everyone was treating you because you were friends with me, so I left, I didn't want to make things more hard for you!! ´´ she sobbed, '' B- But I'm sure your mate will help things along that line... ´´ she whispered, tears pooling from the corner of her eyes.

'' You dummy! I haven't found my mate!! ´´ he scolded her, '' You haven't?! B- But you said- back in the clearing ´´ she whispered in shock, '' I. Lied!! How else was I supposed to see my favorite human?! ´´ he asked her sounding annoyed.

'' Yeah.... Let's keep that part between us for now.... The only reason I'm not back at home, packing to leave for Andrews territory is because I managed to convince him that I'm a sheep! ´´ she exclaimed before plopping down on his bean bag.

'' Oh, Oh shit, yeah.... That's going to be hard, Lilith, he and his shift are going to want to see that Lamb sooner or later!! And when you can't he'll figure it out! ´´ Max exclaimed in frustration.

'' I know!! But with that little lie I've bought myself some time!! ´´ she exclaimed, rather angrily, she sighed heavily, '' I never wanted this.... I just wanted a normal life with.... ´´ she paused and looked up towards him silently, '' With normal friends....´´ she added before standing up.

'' I- I gotta go, My mom is probably worried about me being out so late ´´ she whispered before she stood and walked towards the door, but was suddenly wrapped in a tight hug, '' Lilith, You have no clue how many times I hoped for the same thing ´´ Max whispered.

She felt tears fall from her eyes before she hugged him back just as tight, she eventually let him go and left to go home, halfway there it felt as if someone was watching her, she quickly turned to see no one, so she kept walking, only to get the samr feeling, so she turned to see something that made her freeze up.

A lion stood there, no not Andrew's lion, but a golden one, who eyed her as if debating something in it's head, she slowly backed up keeping her eyes on the one she currently saw, until she backed into a furry creature, she jumped and turned to see another lion, growling at her.

The first Lion suddenly shifted into a man taller than Andrew, and he was currently looking at her with a face that told her that she was in danger, '' So, this is Andrew's precious mate? Hmm.... Maybe if we can take you with us we can finally convince him that a pride is better suited for him ´´ The man spoke.

Lilith immediately looked uncomfortable before she looked for a escape, seeing one, she quickly took it, darting around the lion behind her and ran for it, if she got to the humans territory, she'd be safe!!

There were laws for a reason, the shifters weren't allowed on the human side unless they had mates that lived there, she panted as her body begged her to stop and catch her breath, but she didn't stop, she couldn't!! She was almost there!!

As soon as her feet crossed the border she didn't stop for a moment until she thought she was a good distance away, she panted as she looked towards the lions as they stared at her with narrowed eyes.

She took a breath before finally heading home where she was safe.


''Gah!! She got away!! ´´ the Lion roared in the mindlink.
'' She may have gotten away, but we know something Andrew doesn't ´´ the leader spoke, almost cheerfully
'' What?! ´´ the other lion asked, sounding annoyed.
'' Andrew's mate is a human ´´
The leader told the other before laughing and walked off with his companion

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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