Chapter 5

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This time JingYi was on point. He put his earbuds in and turned up the radio while he drove back to the new house.

In the back seat of the white sports car, tension was high.

Every time Wei WuXian looked up, Lan WangJi was staring right back at him, those golden eyes burning with an intensity that Wei WuXian had no name for. He wanted to hide behind a pillow, but at the same time he wanted to throw himself into Lan WangJi's arms and to hell with the consequences.

But every time he had that thought, he saw A-Yuan in his mind, and how happy he could make his kid.

I'm a professional...professional...he chanted again in his mind, shifting closer to the window and trying not to remember those gorgeous forearms. In another universe, Wei WuXian thought he would be licking them all the way up to those delicious lips...he squeezed his thighs together and forced himself to look out of the window.

"Hello, Xiongzhang? Do you know anyone who can..." Lan WangJi was talking on his phone.

Wei WuXian listened to the sound of his voice. It was harmonious and soothing when it wasn't directed at him. He wondered what it would sound like if Lan WangJi ever sang? He bet it would be hot...but then, what if Lan WangJi couldn't sing? What if he was tone deaf? Or couldn't carry a tune? The idea was so ludicrous that a bubble of laughter burst out of his body.

He hadn't meant to attract attention back onto himself, but he could feel those beautiful golden eyes staring back at him. He shifted nervously in his seat, wishing for the first time that JingYi would make good use of the fact that this was a sports car, and speed up to get them to their destination faster.

At this rate, he was going to die from self control.

Lan WangJi wondered how he had survived before Wei WuXian came into his life. He could see the stark line dividing his existence into before Wei WuXian and after Wei WuXian.

It was the difference between watching a black and white movie and the full technicolour experience, with HD clarity and surround system sound. Of course the latter was blindingly brilliant and so much better.

He remembered he and his Xiongzhang sitting on either side of Uncle Qiren, watching lots of movies as kids. Those black and white films had been magical at the beginning, but when he had seen The Wizard of OZ in all its glory for the first time, he had been blown away by all the colours.

And the story was good too, but he never was able to forget that feeling.

So looking at Wei WuXian now, he was feeling those same things all over again, and his heart was telling him that this was going to be the best thing to ever happen to him.

Wei WuXian must have eaten some chocolate in between leaving to go get A-Yuan and coming back, because Lan WangJi had noticed some chocolate smears, two to be precise. One on his chin and the second, more tantalising one was on the corner of his lips. That one held his interest the most, because Lan WangJi was wondering what it would taste like, mixed with the essence that would be pure Wei Ying.

He sat on his hands so they wouldn't automatically reach for Wei WuXian.

Was it too early to have all these feelings for someone?

Lan WangJi was at a loss to explain it.

Wei WuXian was so beautiful and not just on the outside. He clearly loved his boy, and A-Yuan was so special, such a happy kid, and Lan WangJi knew it was in part due to the wonderful man sitting right next to him now.

Lan WangJi wanted to know everything about him, from what he liked to eat, to his favourite things, the kind of music he loved to listen to, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.

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