Chapter 14

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Wednesday 36 days for the Full Moon Festival

Lan Zhan made sure he was earlier than six am on Wednesday when JingYi dropped him off at his new home.

He frowned.

Just how early was Wei Ying starting on the job?

Again, all the lights were on in his house and when he pushed open the door, Nina Simone was singing her heart out upstairs...though it was more like rolling in her grave, because Wei Ying was singing too...if it could be called that.

"Birds flying high, you know how I feel,
Sun in the sky, you know how I feel..."

Wei Ying was belting out the song and he beamed when he saw Lan Zhan wearing his new "uniform". Decked out in sweatpants that actually fit, and a t-shirt that went past his belly button, Lan Zhan managed to look cool and relaxed and extremely appealing.

He danced along to this song as extravagantly as he could with exaggerated moves, lunges and twirls in time with the music, all the while singing as loudly as he could.

Lan Zhan could not look away even if he tried.

It was like Wei Ying was the honey and he was a voracious bear. His eyes drank in the sight of Wei Ying in another pair of shorts, black colour this time, and a red vest to match his scrunchie, hair tied up in a messy bun.

Now that Lan Zhan had felt it in real life, he was itching to touch his hair again, let it run through his fingers and feel how silky soft it was.

And then another song came on.

"Oh, oh, Lan Zhan, have we got time to dance? Please, please, only this one song and then I promise, we'll get down to work, I swear it!" He didn't even wait for Lan Zhan to say yes.

He ran up to Lan Zhan and took his unwilling hand, because Lan Zhan wasn't the type of person to spontaneously start dancing, otherwise Uncle Qiren would have had him committed into a mental asylum, but that was beside the point, and pulled him into the centre of the room.

If Wei Ying was going to dance with him, Lan Zhan was up for anything.

The intro started and it was a playful song.

Wei Ying held up their joined hands and got in a couple of twirls with Lan Zhan helping him, watching in reverent joy as this beautiful man shone even more. And then he began to sing, swaying his hips and grabbing Lan Zhan by his waist, dancing around the pots of paint as the sultry jazz sung to their hearts.

"My baby don't care for shows,
My baby don't care for clothes,

My baby just cares...for me..."

Lan Zhan loved this.

The way Wei Ying did all of the work, gliding him around as if he weighed no more than a bubble. Free and light, Lan Zhan began to relax and let himself be led. He had no idea dancing could be

Only with Wei Ying, he thought to himself.

Dancing with Wei Ying meant he could feast his eyes on this immaculate man, see so close to him how his silver eyes lit up his face, this light exercise making him flush so prettily. Wei Ying was devastatingly beautiful like an arrow to his heart.

"My baby don't care for cars and races.."

Wei Ying continued to sing badly, and Lan Zhan decided he didn't quite mind it so much now. And in this song there was a break where just the piano and the drums were being played, and Wei Ying danced faster...but whenever he sang the chorus, and the words, "my baby just cares for me", his silver eyes zeroed in on Lan Zhan’s golden ones, and Lan Zhan really wanted to kiss him again.

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