Chapter 66

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5th April

The plane was about to land and their phone had gone off once already.

But Lan Zhan hadn't wanted to wake Wei Ying, who was sleeping so comfortably on his chest that he felt guilty disturbing him at all. He looked so peaceful that it seemed an unforgivable crime to interrupt his slumber, when it was just because the plane was landing.

But safety came first and he knew better than to go against important rules. Besides, he didn't want anyone else to see Wei Ying in this state.

"Wei Ying?" He said it softly.

If he had to do it anyway, he preferred it to be as gentle as possible.

The plane began its descent, and he had maybe a minute to wake up his sleeping Beauty.

"Wei Ying?"

Still nothing.

Lan Zhan tipped his beautiful face up, smiling when Wei Ying's mouth opened with a small whine, and he burrowed even closer, nuzzling at his bare skin.

His pink lips were just begging to be kissed, so Lan Zhan did exactly that.

Their lips met in the sweetest kisses, and a few seconds later, Wei Ying was kissing him back with ardour. Little kitten licks as he pressed honey drop kiss after kiss on Lan Zhan's mouth, until he pulled away.

"It is time. We must dress and sit appropriately." Lan Zhan says, softly.

Wei Ying blinks up at him, and allows Lan Zhan to help him sit up.

Minutes later, they're both dressed and strapped in, and Wei Ying is dozing in his chair when the flight attendant checks in on them.

"When the aircraft lands, Sir, please follow me. You and your husband will be the first ones off the plane, and a special team awaits at the gate. Passport checks have been completed, and your luggage will be inside your vehicle by the time you exit the airport. Thank you for flying with -"

Lan Zhan stops her talking now, because if she lets any more information escape, Wei Ying might find out where they are. And Lan Zhan wants to make this trip so memorable that Wei Ying will never forget this holiday.

He wants their honeymoon to be a constant inspiration to them, to carry on being creative.

They are going to take so many photos together, and Wei Ying should feel the first impact of seeing this nature's miracle without any hindrances.

This is the perfect time to be here, in this country.

When the plane lands at last, Lan Zhan slips his carry-on bag over his shoulder, retrieves the white bunny sleeping mask from his pocket, putting it on the now fully asleep Wei Ying.

This worked out easier than he planned, because Lan Zhan was expecting a fight to happen when he would have suggested stopping Wei Ying from being able to see where they were.

It was night time here, and hopefully Lan Zhan would be able to carry out his plan for a little bit longer.

Their car ride to their hotel was in a vehicle with tinted windows, which helped immensely. Tomorrow was supposed to be a bright and sunshiny day, all the better for them.

When it's time, Lan Zhan lifts Wei Ying into his arms and begins to hum softly, so Wei Ying won't wake up alarmed. He unconsciously helps Lan Zhan by wrapping his loose arms around Lan Zhan's neck and snuggling closer. This made it much easier to navigate their path from the plane to the airport.

The security team was waiting for them and guided Lan Zhan through the premises, until they were outside.

Lan Zhan got inside the back of the black Land Rover with elegant ease, using the same seat belt to strap them both in. It was going to be a short drive, anyway.

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