1 ↬ The Arrival

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 "Evelyn, we're here." Mom called from the driver's seat, momentarily glancing at me via the rear-view mirror. Her voice was just audible over the pop music streaming from my earbuds, but those were the words I'd been restless in waiting to hear for the past six months. I hurriedly shoved my phone back into my protuberant Nike duffel bag and pressed my face up against the sunshade windows of the SUV. A three-point arch loomed ahead of us, wrought-iron letters reading Rose Hill Academy curved on the haunch. This was really it. I- Evelyn Holloway- was officially a seventh grader at Rose Hill Academy- the most prestigious boarding school in Kentucky. The school was known for its rigorous academics, even more intense ideals, and demanding equestrian programme, which was the reason I'd applied. Suddenly, tension and nerves were injected into my bloodstream, causing a tight knot in my stomach to form and my mind to race. Will I make friends? Will Harmony and I do well? What's my trainer like? Will I get an accident? I felt Callum grasp my hand, breaking my train of thought. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, kinda," I weakly smiled. "I just don't know what to expect. I mean, now that we're here, I'm having second thoughts, and what if Harmony freaks out? What if-"

"Eve, relax," My older brother reassured me. "You'll be fine. You're a great rider."

I waved my hand towards the window. "Look at this place! I'll probably won't make the beginners team here!"

"OK, Evelyn," Mom turned in the driver's seat to face me, squeezing my knee and tucking a strand of dirty blonde hair behind my ear. "Let's go."

Breathe in...breathe out...

I swung the sleek black door of the SUV open and my high-top Ariat boots hit the gravel ground of the parking lot. I touched my horseshoe bracelet with my little finger which Callum had gifted me yesterday evening- our last night together before Rose Hill.

Eve, relax... Callum's words reverberated around my mind, the tension in my muscles relaxing a little.

"Say hey, Evelyn!" Callum thrust his dated iPhone 6 in my face, the blaring camera light threatening to blind me.

"Cal, turn it off!" I yelped, covering the light with my clammy palm.

"OK, OK!" He playfully laughed. "Sorry, sis."

Callum stuffed the phone into the back pocket of his slim fit jeans while Mom helped me unload Harmony. The glossy bay Thoroughbred had wisps of hay tangled in her forelock and was pawing the rubber matting of the trailer with impatience- she had been cooped up for over two hours.

"Hey, girl," I cooed, smoothing her dark velvety muzzle with the back of my hand. "Nervous?" Harmony bobbed her head as if she understood my question. I laughed. "Yeah, me too. Come on girl, we can do this." My hands were slick with sweat, making it hard for me to grip onto the navy cotton lead rope as I led Harmony down the side ramp of the trailer. Harmony raised her head and pricked her ears as she took chart of her new surroundings. Wow! Rose Hill is gorgeous! I thought as I too surveyed the campus. Immaculate snowy-white walkways criss-crossed over a seamlessly manicured lawn, leading to four, stone-built academic buildings. These edifices bounded a much smaller, more compact structure, Student Support panelled onto the outer wall. Two gleaming grazing paddocks, walled by white post and rail fencing, were situated either side of the ivy-clad structures, horses nipping at the lush tussocks and savouring each bite.

"Take your horse straight to the barn following a sign," Mom read from the instruction pamphlet. "OK, Eve, me a Callum will park the trailer, and will meet you at the barn."

"You're leaving me on my own?" I squawked.

"Evelyn, honey," Mom rubbed my arm. "We'll be straight back, don't worry."

"Promise, Mom?"

"Promise." She confirmed.

I took hold of Harmony's leadrope and, sure enough, an iron sign pointed towards an all-gorgeous set of ivy-clad stables, its roof cresting over a clipped, four foot high bush. Even that looked polished. 

A/N- Heyy doods! First chapter done! This is more of a filler chapter for you to be introduced to Evelyn and Harmony, but I promise you there will be more horsey and dramatic chapters soon. If you want to be a character in the series then please comment or reply to my pinned conversation. All info will be on there.

Anyway, I love anyone who clicks on and reads this story, so TYSM!! I've been trying to come up with a story idea for a while now, and here it is! Rose Hill. I hope ya'll enjoyed, so add this book to you reading lists and libraries etc. for more chapters. Eeep! This is really happening now and I can't wait for more reads and more ideas for chapters!! 

Love you doods xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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