Chapter 2: Orik

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The term "struck dumb" seemed grossly inadequate, for how I felt upon seeing the goddess standing in my room. She was holding a duster in one hand,and a half eaten apple in the other, the juice had run down her arms and she was in the process of licking it up. Never before had I beheld such a stunning beauty,and I wasn't even able to see her face. Long dark hair tumbled gracefully down her back coming to rest just above her shapely ass. My knees buckled slightly, I think I said something,but I'm not sure how intelligible it sounded.

When she heard my voice she spun around, still in the process of cleaning her arm. I was briefly mesmerized by her swinging chest,before I looked up into deep chocolate brown eyes that seemed to draw me away from myself. I'm not sure how long we stood there perhaps it was only a second, it felt more like an hour. Suddenly she pitched forward, falling fast to the ground.

Without the conscious thought to do so, I leaped across the intervening distance, sinking to my knees to catch her just before her face hit the carpet. Immediately an electrical shock ran up my arms and spread throughout my entire body. I couldn't have let her go even if I had wanted to, which I assure you I most definitely did not. She gasped, and I assumed that she was going through the same thing as I was. The electric tingles increased in strength, not painful but definitely intense. I could feel them snaking through my veins like a live wire, I felt sure I must look like a lit up skeleton to anyone who was observing this. I felt the electricity reach my head, run around the inside of my skull for a bit, and just as suddenly as it had started it stopped, leaving the both of us gasping for breath.

My mind was racing because I had no idea what was going on, well, I take that back I had one idea but I didn't want to jinx it by acknowledging it. Keep calm, I told myself, which would have worked if at that moment I hadn't realized that I was holding the most beautiful woman on the planet,and that something very soft was pressed up against my arm. Scratch that,two, very large, very soft somethings were pressed up against my arm. My ears began to heat up as realization hit me, at just about the same time as it hit her. There was another gasp from her and she struggled to stand up and extricate herself from my hold,but I had no intention of letting her go. I stood up with her.before stepping back, being sure to catch a hold of her right hand in order to maintain contact. Her head came up to about midchest, raven colored hair spilled across her face, partially shading her face from my view. She didn't look up at me,and she even tried to pulled her hand out of my grip,but I squeezed tighter refusing to let go.

"Prince Orik, I'm sorry we didn't expect you back so soon.and I was just,-" the goddess stammered,attempting to curtsy,I couldn't see her face,but I could tell that she was blushing. It was a cute blush from what I could see of her lowered face. I thought it was strange for a goddess to be bowing to me in the first place.

"Mater Luna," I breathed, bending my head to kiss the back of her hand," But why,pray tell, are you bowing to me," I asked. She smelled nice , a combination of apple juice, fresh linens and her own sweet scent. I surreptitiously inhaled deeply, trying to memorize the smell, my heart was beating fast, I felt sure it must be audible to her,but if she heard it she didn't let on. Oh damn,I hoped that my palms weren't sweating.

At my question she shook her head, furiously from side to side,and muttered something about my position. On an impulse I reached out with my free hand to tilt her chin back, so I could get a full unobstructed look into her face. My breath caught once again, prompting me to speak before my nerve ran out," A goddess should not bow to a prince." Oh hell,did I sound as corny as I felt I did? Inwardly I cursed my lack of experience talking to the fairer sex. Even though two of my best friends were girls,and I spent all of my time with them, talking to this woman intimidated me,like no one ever had.

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