XII -It's Rude To Stare At People, Xosha

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You're saying what you want right to me
No filter on your mouth
We know you talk in your sleep
Remembering the times, they won't remember me

☆Theme Song: Affection by BETWEEN FRIENDS☆

Xosha's POV

I nervously wiggled my feet in my shoes as I kept my head down, avoiding eye contact with Jeremiah or the person in the driver's seat. As if this moment couldn't get any worse and ego-deflating, Jeremiah just had to lay all his anger on me. I took some time to look around and appreciate the black interior of the vehicle. This car was extremely spotless and sharply clean. The cold air spreading the freshener escaping from the vent in front of me, aimed for my knees, making that particular spot go numb. I couldn't blame myself for taking his words to heart and letting my eyes release drops of salty tears. Wiping them with the back of my palm, I drew closer to the door, and attempted to open it and run out, far away from this pain I'd caused myself. If there was any emotion I was feeling right then, anger was going to top it all. Immediately, the locks clocked into place, abruptly stopping my movement.

What the fuck?

Was this some sort of abduction?

"Hey" The driver finally spoke up, in a familiar deep and hoarse voice, "No one goes out"

I lifted my head and my eyes to look up at him. I could finally understand why Dawn and probably half of the girls in my class were all on and about this guy. His wide pastel green eyes glistened mischievously as they glided time to time, from me to the person beside him. He got off the seat belt and rotated his upper body to focus on us both, it felt like we were little kids being cautioned. I didn't miss his toned biceps as they discretly displayed themselves in his short sleeved teal T-shirt. He had an undercut, with longer hair on top that hypnotically fell on his forehead as he moved. His facial features were not far from attractive with his defined jawline and high cheek bones, almost similar to those of his brother. I would do anything to have the genes of this family.

"Levi's the name..." He said, revealing of course, his complete and well arranged set of pearly white teeth and turned to Jeremiah, "You guys...are nemeses or what?"

I hurriedly spoke up, avoiding anything that could come out of Jeremiah's mouth, "Um...we're actually just classmates. I...wanted to ask him for...something"

Levi shifted his gaze back to me, "And what's your name?"

"Xosha?" I eyed the boy in the passenger seat, who now had his head rested against the tinted window, eyes shut.

"Oh...that is a very interesting name, I like it" Levi said and nudged his little brother, "Why were you mean to Xosha? You should apologize to her"

"Oh it's nothing, actually" I nervously spoke up, Jeremiah had his eyes slightly open and they snakily slid to my reflection on the rear view mirror, making me feel anxious about what he'd say, "There's this thing we're supposed to write together and I just wanted to ask if he had any drafts written out? I guess he doesn't so I'd just leave now, thanks, bye"

"Nah" Levi said, "If he's working with you, both of you should definitely discuss it out...so what's the topic?"

"A Remarkable Society" I chattered, finding comfort in staring at Levi's face. His friendly aura distracted me from many things that could go wrong after today and I appreciated it a lot.

He frowned lightly, "Now that's a boring topic. Good for you, Jere likes boring stuff"

I didn't miss the act of Jeremiah rolling his eyes at his brother's words. I'm guessing something else was wrong with him at this point, maybe he was stressed out or maybe extremely worn out from school? Or whatever he walked out of the classroom to do. Guilt started to creep in as I realized I may have stressed him out more with my clingy attitude. I began to bite my fingernails out of habit. How does one suddenly go from being noticed to being irritated by? This was one of those situations where I felt I didn't even belong in vicinity of others. I did a lot to make others judge me or think oddly about me, and I didn't know how...it just always happened on its own.

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