[ 06. we find a possible way out ]

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| y/n's pov |

"CHUCK, WHAT'S GOING on?" Thomas asked as we ran over to the boy, who was laughing.

"Girls are awesome." He grinned, pointing up at the tower. I looked up to where he was pointing and saw the girl tossing objects down at the boys below. I laughed at the sight of Gally getting hit in the head by something as I ran over with Thomas and Minho.

"What happened?" Thomas asked.

"Just duck." Gally said, narrowly dodging a stone.

"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt stated as he and Winston hid under a crate lid like it was a shield.

"What do you want?" The girl called from the top.

"Hey, look, we just wanna talk." Thomas yelled up but was almost hit in the head by a can.

"I'm warning you."

"Take cover, y'all. Take cover!" Frypan exclaimed.

"Hey, woah, woah, woah. Hey, hey, woah, it's Thomas! It's Thomas."

The group went quiet and the girl stopped throwing things down and poked her head over the edge. Thomas lifted his hand in a wave motion.

"Okay, I'm gonna come up, okay?" He told her and she slunk back out of view. "Okay. Just me."

Gally didn't look impressed, but let him go.

"Now, I'm coming up." Thomas called out to the girl as he started climbing.

Minho shook his head and Chuck was still grinning like he found this hilarious. We waited a few minutes in silence.

"What's going on up there?" Gally asked Thomas loudly and he poked his head over the edge.

"Is she coming down?" I asked.

"Um... Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?" Was Thomas' reply.

Gally sighed.

"All right." Newt nodded. "Come on."

"Y/N, I definitely like you better." Frypan said to me as he walked past and I chuckled.


"RISE AND SHINE." An irritating voice woke me up in the morning and I immediately knew it was Minho.

I opened my eyes to see the boy's face inches away. I jumped and scowled as Minho laughed.

I quickly shushed him and gestured to the girl sleeping on another makeshift bed across the room.

The night before, Thomas introduced me to the girl, Teresa. We got along all right. I thought sleeping in my hut would be better than in the Med-Hut or the Homestead.

"Get out, you dumb shank." I shoved Minho out. "Let me get ready and I'll meet you outside."

"All right, all right."

After a few minutes, Minho and I walked over to the pit.  Minho crouched down in front of the bars.

"Big day, Greenie. You sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Minho said and Thomas shook his head.

"Come on, guys, get me out of here."

"All right."

Once we got Thomas ready, the three of us stood outside the Maze door and waited for it to open, which it did not long after.

THE NIGHT WE MET; thomas x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now