Chapter 1: Strange Happenings in Gravesfield

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August 24, 2022

Becca's POV

I was enjoying a movie night with my girlfriend of five years when I got a tingling feeling down my spine.

"Becca?" Lily called out. "What's wrong?"

"Something just happened," I said.

"Where?" Obsidian, the demon who I'd been bonded to, asked.


"Then let's not waste any time!" Ob dissipated into a smoke form, going into my head. I then leaned over and gave Lily a peck on her lips.

"Be careful, babe," she said.

"Don't worry," I reassured her, "I will."

Stepping outside, I let Ob summon her wings through me. Then, bending the shadows to turn myself invisible, I took off into the sky.

"So, what's the plan?" Ob asked.

"I thought ya knew me, Ob," I responded.

"Just wing it?"


Luz's POV

"Mi hija, mind introducing me to your friends?" Mami asked.

"Of course!" I said. I proceeded to introduce Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter to Mami. Eventually, we all found ourselves around the kitchen table, eating enchiladas that Mami and Vee put together.

"These are really good, Mrs. Noceda," Gus said after a few bites.

"Thank you, Gus," Mami replied. That's when Amity suddenly stood up.

"Mrs. Noceda, is it alright if I take a shower?" she asked.

"Go right ahead," Mami said. "You can borrow some of Luz's old pajamas."

I led Amity into my old bedroom, letting her pick out some underwear and a pair of pajamas. Unsurprisingly, she chose my Azura pajamas.

"First thing you saw?" I asked teasingly.

"You know it," Amity said with a slight giggle.

In the bathroom, I got the shower to the right temperature while Amity got undressed. Turning to leave so Amity could have some privacy, I heard a loud thud, as though something had fallen onto the floor of the tub. Turning around, I gasped at the sight before me. Ami had become a mermaid. She had two purple fins for ears, a pair of gills just behind her jawbone, webbed hands, fins running from her wrists to her elbows, and, where her legs should've been was a long lilac purple fishtail, complete with the appropriate fins: a dorsal fin running from the base of her neck to the base of her tail, two pectoral fins sticking out from the front of her waist, and a decent-sized fin at the tip of her tail.

Thinking quickly, I turned off the shower, allowing the water to flow from the faucet. I then plugged the drain, letting the water fill the tub.

"Ami, what's wrong?" I asked my girlfriend.

"I know I should've told you about this," Amity said, tears in her eyes, "but I was too afraid of what you'd think of me."

"Ami, I could never think any less of you," I reassured her. "But how long has this been going on?" I wasn't prepared for Amity's next words.

"All of my life," she said.

"Why haven't you told me, Ami?" I was more concerned than angry, and right now, all I wanted to do was help Amity get through this.

"I was... afraid," she admitted, "of how you'd react. Odalia always told me that my romantic partner would reject me if they found out what I really am."

"That's bullsh*t!" I exclaimed. "Sorry for the outburst, but it is! You shouldn't have to hide, Ami. If you want to go for a swim, go for a swim."

"How can I enjoy swimming in the Boiling Sea if you can't come in with me, Luz?"

"Ami, we're in the human realm, remember? The water and rain don't boil here."

"Oh yeah. I kinda forgot about that."

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