11: The Girlfriend

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By the third week of November, I had barely had a full conversation with Frank.
I started forgetting about the ten minute early morning conversation and coming to class on time.
I was in an awful grouch for a while. Trying to stay smiling but finding it very difficult.
Rachel could see it. She tried to cheer me up on multiple occasions and I would be smiling and all happy but she'd know somehow that I was faking it.
I babysat the Iero kids a few times during those weeks. But, there was no conversation afterwards. I'd arrive, he'd immediately leave to go do whatever he was doing, he'd come back, I'd immediately leave.
The kids kept asking me why I wasn't coming over as much as I used to and I just didn't know how to tell them.
"I've been busy" was the excuse I gave, but I have a feeling they knew I was lying.
It had been a while now since the wedding.
I was trying so hard to just forget everything and move on, seeing Frank as nothing more than my English teacher, but it was impossible.
I didn't want to admit it, but I was still very much in love with him.
But, he was probably with Rebecca now. His old friend. Miss "Oh We Dated In High School, TeeHee."
On the Friday morning of the third week of the month, almost thanksgiving, I had to be in school early to drop something off to another teacher.
Which, of course, meant that I'd be early to Mr Iero's class. Shit.
I walked as slowly as possible towards his room. Seven minutes early.
I stared at the door, wishing the ground in front of it would open up and swallow me whole.
Reluctantly, I turned the handle and sauntered into the room.
Frank looked up from whatever paperwork he was doing. He straightened up slightly and cleared his throat.
"Good morning, Miss King," he nodded.
Ugh. That felt cold.
"Hi, Mr Iero," I mumbled, sitting down.
I stared at my desk for a few moments.
I could see him glancing up at me every now and again out of the corner of my eye.
I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel.

ME: Could u come to franks room and pretend u need me for an emergency plz lol
RACH: Can't imagine how awkward it is. On my way.

Seconds later, Rach knocked on the door and stepped in.
"Hi, Andy, I need you for that thing for Professor Turner's morning class."
"Right, yeah," I said, getting up.
"What thing?" Frank said, suddenly.
"Project," Rach and I said at the same time.
"This is college, not high school, why do you care?" I said before I could stop myself.
'Nice one, Andrea,' I thought, scolding myself, 'That was just beautifully done. Idiot.'
Frank raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"Pardon me?" he said.
I shrugged, turned around and walked out of the room.
"Holy shit, Andy," Rach laughed as she shut the door, "His face! Fucking priceless."
I laughed a little, "Yeah, hilarious."
We sat outside the building for a few minutes as people started arriving.
I got a text from Gerard.

GEE: Come to the band practice today, I want u to meet someone.
ME: You-Know-Who will probably be there tho. Not to mention Mrs You-Know-Who
GEE: Pleeeeaaassseeee
ME: Fine ugh
GEE: YAY :D see u later !

Once the day was over, I headed on down to Frank's house for the band practice.
I texted Gerard once I got there and he ran upstairs and brought me down.
The kids were there, as usual. Frank was plugging in his guitar. He seemed a little disappointed when he saw me and Gerard walking in together.
"Who am I meeting today, Gee?" I asked.
"She's not here yet," he said, though he was really excited about whoever this was.
The kids all ran up to me and gave me hugs.
The doorbell rang after a little while and Gerard hurled himself up the stairs to go answer it.
We all laughed at how violently he'd run up the stairs to answer the door.
He came back a minute later with a woman. A beautiful woman, might I add. With silky black hair and very cool goth-ish style clothes. Sort of like a female version of Gerard himself.
"This is my girlfriend, Lindsey!" Gerard was smiling excitedly. It was very sweet.
"Hi!" Lindsey smiled at all of us.
Frank looked oddly dumbfounded.
"Girlfriend?" he asked.
Gee nodded.
Frank looked over at me, confused. I was confused now. What was wrong with Lindsey being with Gee?
I walked over to her and introduced myself. She was really lovely. Gerard was absolutely head over heels for her. I was so happy for him.
"Funny," I said, laughing a little,"If Gee brought his girlfriend, how come Rebecca isn't here?"
"What?" Frank said, still really lost and confused.
"Rebecca," I repeated, "Are you and her-"
"No!" he shook his head, "I thought you and Gerard-"
"No!" I laughed in disbelief.
Frank wasn't with Rebecca? He wasn't dating her?
We stared at each other for a moment.
"Let's go talk," I suggested.
He nodded and we left the basement.
Everyone in the room was in a baffled state now.
Frank and I went upstairs to his room and shut the door.
Frank turned to face me and immediately started explaining, "I told Rebecca to go away right after she kissed me. Then, you kissed Gerard. She kinda hung around me because of that afterwards."
"I kissed Gerard because... I was mad and half drunk," I explained, "Not the wisest decision on my part, it has to be said."
Frank laughed a little, "I don't even like Rebecca much as a person."
"Gee is like a big brother to me," I laughed too.
"Oh my God," Frank sat down beside me on his bed, "Are we idiots?"
"Absolutely," I responded, bluntly, "Sorry about earlier by the way. The whole 'why do you care' thing. Felt sort of rude."
Frank smiled, "It's fine, I'm sorry for being a bitch about Rachel coming to get you. Was there a thing happening with Professor Turner?"
"Nope," I grinned, "It was the only thing I could think of to get me out of... well... your classroom."
We smiled at each other for a few seconds.
"Truth be told, Frank..." I went on, "I think we're a whole lot more than 'good frie-' "
I was cut off by Gerard opening the door.
"Frank, your mom called. We need to talk."

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