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This is strongly influenced by these works: Merlin's Apprentice, Doctor Who, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Naruto, the works of Donita K. Paul, Melanie Dickerson, and @TwainTwacks' "Hands of Time" and the works of @Randomguy666 @ThePsychoEnchanter @Avalon_Lee @AdoriRibe and TheGaelicGuardian!

In Christ Alone,

Mari Fahel McKimzey



One time when I was just beginning to be friends with TheGaelicGuardian, I asked him to meet up with me and @AngelStorm92 on hangouts! We had a blast and ever since then, I secretly fiddled with the idea of this story... Why? Kindy and I were raving about weird stuff and I called her my nickname for her (that being "Mine Seichicko-chan") and she called me by her nickname for me (that being "Mine Kashiki-chan") Eli, feeling left out, asked if he was gonna get a nickname and there, we tried to think one up and finally landed on "Momoru"... We laughed at the poor boy, when he thought he'd be getting "Momoru-chan" had to tell him he'd be getting the "-kun" or "-sama" title... he preferred "-sama". That's the story of what sparked the inspiration of the title...


Seichicko = Child

Kashiki = "A-R-I"

Momoru = "Protector" or "Guardian"

-chan = girl

-kun = boy

-sama = mr. or mrs. a sign of respect


When I was between 8-12 years old, I wrote and finished the storiesCat Island and Cat From Old Oak Hollow and when I was 12-15, I wrote and finished The Time Master's Apprentice then tried rewriting it at the ages of 16-18. The idea of each of these stories were written from the purview of a young child to teen... Of course they were not my best of works... But I wanted to rewrite the ideas as one book... Some of my earlier readers like @lilkraftykat and her brother, David, will most definitely remember many of those titles...

Cat Island - was a story about a young boy named Christopher Starlight, the Prince of Star Island but was adopted by the cats of Cat Island. Cats were fighting a war against the Men of Magick Island and the Dogs of Dog Island, while the men of Star Island just hovered around and watched. [I took the Star Island idea from here].

The Time Master's Aprrentice - has been many a thing, but the main one is that it was about a young boy (Alan Davari) who is called by Dimitri, a madman on some undiscovered island (cuz he enchanted to hide it) to be a Time Master... and he pretty much did not want to be there... [obviously the time is taken from this. but also, Dimitri- before he goes mad- is in there too]

Cat From Old Oak Hollow was about a family of cats, and a teen boy, named Maven who talked to them. Had adventures with them and tried to keep them safe, and his ability a secret so that he isn't taken from his own family, then he has to go and leave the entire situation after being betrayed by his friends to scientists... and the cats soon passed on, he was a loner, and a cat friend, and quite a mysterious young boy... [The character, Momoru is the idea from that]

So, all together, I've worked on this story for almost 14 years! But, combining it now, I am bringing it back in a way that people of ALL ages would enjoy it! Thanks to all who helped in the making of this story...

@xxkeemamasudaxx for helping me with the creation of the worlds, weapons, names, places, characters over the worlds from since we were kids. @JackLewisBaillot for the wonderful Inklings group that oversaw the kark for drafts haha! My friend, Mandie and her brother, Patrick for helping fine-tune these gifts and most of all my mother and father for raising me up to think creatively and be myself <3 I love you all! And if I forgot somebody, I'm sorry! Thank you ALL for being dedicated and loyal friends, family and readers! Peace be to you all! Lemme know what y'all think of it! I dedicate this ENTIRE story to @cat_bazooka

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