Chapter Two: Annaira

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-Momoru's POV-

The girl's school uniform was beginning to irk on my every last nerve. It was like some multicoloured disco ball from back home! Changing and flashing a whole bunch of colours at once through the crystal cave, it rebounding at us

"Can't you stick to one colour girl?" I snapped, before I could stop myself.

The girl suddenly stopped her movements and the uniform became a light faded greyish blue colour. She turned to look me, directly in the eye. A stab of guilt stung at my heart as one solitary fiery-gold tear from each eye glowed down her face, staining it black on her cheeks. She wiped her tears quickly and feigned a smile that could fool anyone if they hadn't just saw the tears slide down, but even if I hadn't seen the tears, I would know it was a mask. I knew the moment I saw her in the Court of Masters that there was something off in those deep sad sea-green eyes, with a hue of violet.

"This uniform tracks emotions so that the council may eliminate any emotions in those who cannot contain them...." the girl replied, with that annoying fake smile; "So, I guess that I cannot. I apologize."

I sighed, wearily; "Very well, then..."

"Let's keep going, home's not too far away..." the girl carried on her "disco walk" as I followed closely behind.

~Annaira's POV~

The talk I had with this boy made me think; Time Masters knew that I lived with Master Drikul and our 'family'. However, he made it seem like his job was to eliminate their emotions-- when in reality, it was to encourage emotions, to encourage dreams, and to encourage all that the Time Master's were against. Controlling the emotions of the young, made them one good brainwashed army... But that is why Drikul formed this school; EES. The council thought it stood for the elimination of emotions... He had been teaching us how to hide it to remain safe and how to cultivate dreams and emotions. But,I found it harder to learn these things than most of the time apprentices... I wish I was better with self control... And as I contemplated the whole thing, I saw the end of the tunnel drawing nearer.

When we finally reached the circular Moonbeam Caves and exited the tight, enclosed tunnels; I gazed upward to the gaping hole far above us.

"We're almost there..." When the guy came out of the tunnels and started rising into his original shape, I decided to finally ask, randomly; "So.... what's your name?"

"Momoru..." he responded, plainly.

"I'm Annaira..."

"Yes, I know. I heard them back there..."

"Oh, sorry..." I blushed hard.

"So, how much farther?" asked Momoru.

"This way... we've just got to go the the portal here..." I led him to a mirror; "We'll have to hold hands while entering."

I took his hand and we took one step and went right through the rippling reflection. Suddenly, we were cast into a kaleidoscope of colours then fell into the safehouse for the renegade Time Defenders. Patryd walked over, chuckling softly.

"So, how was your meeting with the council?" he smirked knowingly.

"You knew what they wanted, didn't you?" I asked him.

A mischievous grin graced Patryd's features; "You shoulda seen the look on your face!"

"Scaring me half outta my wits?!" I shouted at him and smacked him upside the back of his head.

"Oi! it was a hoot!" Patryd called after me.

"I'm not speaking to you!" I said, marching off in a huff, dragging a confused and struggling Momoru to my Master's side.

"I can walk on my own now." Momoru told me.

"Umm oops..." I looked around at him, blushing and released my grip on his hand; "Sorry..."

I led him the rest of the way to my Master's office... Taking a step back for Momoru to speak to him alone. Waving awkwardly I urged him him to knock on the door.

When he did a voice from within said; "Enter!"

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