Chapter One: Momoru

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-Momoru's POV-

I alighted swiftly and with agility through the dark streets of Ekaaran City, the capital city of the moon, Kinarai. In my tabby cat form, I could easily maneuver around and not draw attention to myself. The blue star ahead shed a periwinkle glowing hue through the empty streets. It was eerily quiet and if this was a realm like say, Earth, I would certainly be concerned. Kinarai's kids are far too busy and refined to play aimlessly on the streets like the humans. Most of them were training in the Time Academy to earn the name of Time Master, at various levels, pages, apprentices, defenders, and then finally masters... But I'm getting way ahead of myself. So where was I? Oh yes! I was going through Ekaaran City, towards the Court of Masters. They had conversed with the Realm Protector Circle. So, the protectors sent someone reliable and well-trained to seek out the Time Pirates. They needed the very best on this mission. I, myself, being the best in the field, was naturally the one to call. The thing about realm protectors is we can only go through to other worlds and realms and transfigure our form. That was the whole reasoning behind me coming here Kinarai. I needed a Time Defender or Master to pair up with. A chilly breeze blew through the streets as I neared the Court of Masters. I growled in annoyance towards the bitter cold, Let's get this over with...

Transforming to my true form, and still walking with balance, I strode with heavy footfalls in my boots, utility kilt, vest which held a golden pocket watch, duster and my stetson all in genuine brown suede leather or kahki. Entering in the courthouse, stroking my ginger beard, I scanned the room of starlit masters- maybe I ought to be more detailed these Time Masters were in escence, stars. The light they shone was like the natural light in a sunlit bedroom, yet more intense. You could barely make out anything but the intense light and the shapes of the Masters' forms. They seemed to have been waiting a long time.

"You're late, Captain Momoru..."

"Well, I apologize. I got into a bit of a brawl with something rather large," I replied politely.

"Have yourself a seat..." the head star snapped his fingers and a chair appeared in front of me.

I took it, gratefully. Looking at the cold hard crystal floor, wearily.

"As you may know, there is a Time Pirate problem we are having..." Said a voice a feminine voice, "They've stolen the powers of a few realm creators and threw them to Earth as an alternate being. and some they split personalities. So, now they can drain time from worlds. Their next target is your home, on Earth..."

My eyes snapped back up instantly and the voice continued; "I'm sure I don't need to tell you how bad that really is. So, we need you to build a team of certain people... We will send you out with two trained time agents Masters Drikul and Patryd by midnight, they'll give your orders, the tools, list of names and any provisions you shall need on the journey."

"Alright." I responded, trying to suppress the storm of passionate rage against the time pirates right now.

"We'll send for Drikul's Apprentice to lead you to where you will be staying."

-Elsewhere In The City

Annaira's POV-


I snapped back to reality when I heard my master's strict tone. I looked up and realized; oh shit... This is training!

His lines and wrinkles formed narrowed eyes -a piercing lion's gold. His silver hair was braided in the back and the golden-and-fiery-red-flecked short beard twinkled and glistened in the blue glow of the Star of Kinarai. His sat behind his desk while i sat on the other side of it.

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