Love at first sight ✨🤪❤️

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         It was a breezy evening in xxxx, with the leaves blowing in the trees and the grass swaying gently. Prince Farquad sat on a perfectly rectangular swing in his garden, admiring how symmetrical it was. His orbs drifted to some emo cardinals on one of his oak trees, flirting with each other. He teared up at the wonderful sight. Unlike those birds, he would never experience love. He was only 2'2ft tall, and he wore red sparkly thongs. Ironically in his perfect kingdom, he thought himself to be flawed. Perhaps that is why he built his kingdom in the first place. To cover his imperfections under a facade of greatness. A gust of wind blew Farquad's black locks into his face, leaving a red cut on his cheek from how sharp they were. He noted to tone down the amount of gorilla super glue he put in his shampoo. Leaving the cut to heal itself, he went back to gazing out at his garden. The sick emo cardinals had left, leaving him in total silence. The swing creaked as it swung back and forth, and the little bugs flew around Farquads stone cut jaw. Just then Farquad heard footsteps approaching. He chose to ignore them. Who would even dare to approach him in such a state?

The footsteps came closer and closer until suddenly Farquad's swing was stopped abruptly, causing him to fall onto the ground.

"What is thy problemeth?!?" He shouted angrily, standing up on his short legs.

He dusted off his knees, then looked up to be shocked into silence. Standing before him was a gorgeous giant, looking to be around 5'4 in height. Although in looks he was a solid 10. He had brown dusty locks, which waved gently in the breeze. His luscious pink lips were puckered like a dead fish, which turned Farquad on. His orbs were an iridescent blue, almost like diamonds. This man was clearly a prince, which Farquad hated with a burning passion, but strangely he didn't feel hatred towards this man. Something about him was almost soothing. Farquad could feel himself heating up, but snapped out of his daze regardless of his feelings. This man had just interrupted the one time he got peace in this wretched world!

He held his chin up and attempted to strut past the handsome man, but was then pulled backwards.

"What are thy doing-"

The prince smirked and handed Farquad a gold button from his onesie.

"You dropped this baby boy~"

Baby boy? He felt himself turn into a shade of red which can only be described as a tomato.

He knew he still used a pacifier and preferred to drink out a bottle, but how could a stranger know this?

He was brought back to reality when a hand flashed across his vision.

He blinked furiously, then spun around and ran back to his castle, leaving a smirking prince behind.

As prince Farquad entered the inner walls of his castle, he couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan. Why was he feeling this was for a guy who not only was a stranger, but a hostile one at that? He wasn't even gay. But yet here he was, an imperfect man crushing on the most perfect man probably alive. He strutted down the lower hallways, making sure to act indifferent to the passing maids and butlers. It was his trademark, acting so cold. It was an intimidation tactic, to ensure no rebellion would poison his kingdom. He reached his room right at nine pm, right on the clock. This made him happy, as he was somewhat of a perfectionist. Farquad got changed, took a shower, then finally settled down on his momma bear carpet to read before bed. He read for about an hour when a knock at his door took him out of his trance. He sighed, then got up to answer, expecting a maid to be bringing him fresh towels for when morning came. But when he opened the door, he found quite the opposite.

Standing before him, or more like above him by his height difference, was the weirdly charming stranger from earlier. Farquad blushed, but didn't freak out like last time. He was about to ask why the prince was in his castle, but was beaten to by the prince himself.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I don't believe I got your name, you meaty sack of fried crickets."

Farquad was stunned. Why was the prince calling him these nicknames? He'd be lying if he said he didn't like it, but he was still confused.

"I can see your blush, it's very cute."

The prince made his way into Farquad's room and sat on his bed.

"My name is Prince Charming. What is your name?" He spoke warmly. Farquad slowly recovered from the initial gay panic and stuttered, "Q-quad. Farquad."

He mentally slapped himself for making his voice sound so... so vulnerable. So weak. In such a perfect kingdom, weakness was not allowed. But before he could go deeper into his self deprecating thoughts, the prince stood up and took Farquad's hand in his. The motion snapped Farquad out of his trance, and he was guided back to the bed to sit with Prince Charming. The strange thing was, the prince never let go of Farquad's hand once seated. So, they engaged in conversation. They talked for hours, going later and later in the night. By twelve, Farquad was so tired he would've collapsed if it weren't for his new found friend being there to keep him awake.

===========Charming's POV=============

Prince Charming of course noticed Farquad's tired manner, being the observant obsessed man he was. Unknown to Farquad, Prince Charming had been admiring him from afar for quite some time. He'd found the short man intriguing, and quite adorable if he must say so. Overtime, he'd developed a sense of Farquad's habits and schedules, so it was only natural to completely understand the man's feelings. He pretended to yawn, and in doing so reached his arm sneakily around Farquad's upper body. The smol fetus sized man leaned against him tiredly. Soon Farquad was asleep, and Charming positioned him comfortably under his sheets. Then he kissed the top of his head and silently left, leaving a note on top of a nearby dresser. 

Finding Love: a Lord Farquad x Prince Charming storyWhere stories live. Discover now