sicky ricky (2)

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a/n: part 2 of sicky ricky! hope ya enjoy

nini looked at the boy who was cuddling franklin, his bear. he had been asleep for a while now and the girl couldn't help but be concerned for him.

she very rarely worried about people but with ricky, it was different. she would worried about him to a point where she would call him in the night just so she could hear his voice.

she sighed, he seemed content but in the back of her head, she wondered if he was warm, cold, tired, exhausted.

that's what love does sometimes!

"nini, why are you staring at me?" ricky giggles, resulting into a huge coughing fit.

"i.. i was worried about you, are you comfortable? do you need more pillows?"

"nini, i'm fine, i promise, look, i get that you're concerned but at this rate, you are going to make yourself sick!"

"i am not!" she says deeply offended.

"ok well, if you get sick, i will promise to take care of you!"

"forever and always?"

"forever and always"

Part 2 is done, I feel like these were cute! Lmk what suggestions you want tho bc I have a few ideas but I really want to know what you want!

Em 💖

i think i kinda you know- rini oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now