Chapter 13: Let the Training Begin

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"Alright then. Now that everything is ready for the festival tomorrow, we can start training. What do you say Koda?" Max suggested, glancing up at his brother. Koda beamed at hearing that, looking forward to getting ready. "Oh yeah! Let's train and pass this jungle rite!" The little otter kit said, throwing his hands in the air excited.

"Twitch. Spike. Timber. You guys ready to get my brother ready for this?" The lion asked his close friends as they all smiled at him, putting his fist out. "I'm in" Timber piped in. "Me too! But can we get some snacks?" Spike asked innocently and it earned a chuckle out of everyone. There's not a moment that hedgehog doesn't think about food.

"Me too" Twitch said, fist pumping the air. "You sure Twitch? You still good after that fall?" Max asked him, wanting to be sure that the chameleon recovered completely. "Yep. Haven't ya heard the saying if you fall you get back up?" He reminded him coyly which made the lion smile as all five, Koda included, fist bumped with eachother. To Max, he knew his friends would be there for him always. No matter how many years may pass, their friendship was everlasting.

"Alright then" Leena's voice emerged as the jungle guys glanced at her. "We'll head back to Daria's place while you jungle boys go mess around in your training. You're on your own if you wound up in trouble got it?" She explained, playfully poking Max's chest who looked at her surprised. Koda and Timber snickered at what they were seeing. They knew what was going between the two cats and found it amusing when Leena put Max on the spot.

Twitch, however, glanced down unsurely, getting that feeling again from earlier. Spike meanwhile was a bit puzzled and just assumed innocently it was just some friendly banter. "Oh come on Leena. I've matured in time so I'm not as troublesome as before right?" He told her confidently, smirking at her. Leena crossed her arms with an amused grin. "Right. Make sure to call me if you find yourself in a sticky situation" she told him teasingly as she turned around and walked away, letting her tail hit his face.

Max shook his face and playfully glared at her while the rest of their friends followed her, snickering and chuckling at what just happened. He smiled at her as he watched her leave. Despite her teasing embarrassing him sometimes, he just loved that side of her.

Timber saw the look on his face and grinned misheviously. "Wow Max. You never told me that you're rose's pollen could have such an effect on you" he commented playfully, crossing his arms as he stroked under Azalea's chin who rested on his shoulder, purring.

The lion blushed pink and turned to Timber wide eye. Never did he think that the calm and gentle wolf would have a bold side. His friends and brother looked at him curiously. Koda didn't really understand the meaning behind. "Hey big brother what rose is Timber talking about?" He asked him, glancing down.

"Um...come on! Let's go train! We're running out of daylight!" He stammered nervously and turned around, walking fast. It surprised the young kit but he laughed at how fast Max went. His friends snickered and chuckled at him as they followed the lion to the area where they would train.

They walked over to this roped bridge into the forest where a training area was setup here for Jungle Rites and others kinds of training. Each had a set for different trainings like swinging vines, swimming in the water, targets, and many more.

"Wow. This place honestly was a big help in training for our jungle rites huh Timber?" Max said, scanning the place as he hadn't been in it for so long. "Yeah. They say Alghazal himself used this to train too" Timber commented as everyone looked at it. There was a large waterfall, its sounds brought this serene and comforting feeling through this forest.

"Well, we're here" Max said, setting down Koda. "Who's ready to train?" He asked him confident, looking at his brother with a bright smile. Koda smiled big, putting his hands on his hips. "Me! I am ready to become the next jungle champion!" The little otter said determined. Max smiled at his sweet brother.

It filled his heart to see him with the same determination and persistence that he had as a cub. He remembered how his brother would cheer him on during his Jungle Rite. Now Max would do the same in return.

"Alright let's do this!" Max said, putting his hand out as the guys put their hands out too and fist bumped. Timber, Twitch and Spike would act as the obstacles, pulling tricks and surprises on Koda. Max would be following his brother from the sides to guide him and give him advice

"Ready...go!" Max gave the cue and the otter ran ahead as his lion brother followed him by his side, keeping pace. First, was Spike who hurled some fruits at him. Koda smiled at him confidently as he dodged the fruits with ease, spinning and moving sideways. Taking a quick bite of his mango, Spike threw it at him, baseball style and quick.

But Koda had a trick up his sleeve as he spun and his tail wacked the fruit, sending it straight back to Spike. It got into his mouth, making him surprised but he munched on it happily.

The otter stopped for a moment, laughing at his friend's face. "Ah! Koda! Keep your head in the game!" Max reminded him teasingly, getting his brother's attention back on the race. "Oh! Right!" Koda said and continued running, getting his head in the game. Max shook his head smiling as he followed after him.

Now was Twitch's turn. His obstacles was that Koda needed to swing onto the branches and do a pole swing to reach some tree canopies growing in the water. Fortunately, it wasn't a high drop so Max wasn't worried that his brother would get hurt. Twitch chuckled as he camouflaged himself on one of the trees below.

The otter saw the obstacle and ran straight to it, and made the jump. He barely made it, holding onto the giant leaf but he was heavy and started slipping. Thankfully, Max caught him by the hem of his shirt and got him back on the ground. "Ok. First. Slow down. Catch your breath and go for it. Save your energy for when it's needed" he instructed the little kit, giving Koda a chance to catch his breath.

Koda knew he wouldn't have much time to rest during his Jungle Rite. But he trusted in his brother's advice and had to learn to save his energy. "Ready?" Max asked him, rubbing his head and Koda nodded, determine. "Ok go" he said and the otter made the jump, this time making it.

The little otter couldn't believe that he made it this time. He turned to his older brother in disbelief as Max smiled warmly yet proudly of him. Koda smile back at him and made a second jump. He then made his third jump. Twitch was on the third plant.

Chuckling quietly, he pulled the stem of the plant torwards him, increasing the difficulty. "Whoa!" Koda said surprised, flailing his arms to keep his balance. As the leaf tilted up, Koda almost fell but seeing the leaf move gave him an idea. He just had to be patient.

Once the leaf tilted down, he slid down on it and sprung off it, onto the other side. "What?!" Twitch said dumbfounded, breaking his camouflage mode. "Yes!" Koda said excited, jumping up and down. He turned to Twitch and stuck his tongue out playfully before continuing, leaving Twitch to grumble.

The last obstacle was Timber. Koda had to jump over these large tree roots on the ground. "Careful Koda. Timber told me he had some tricks up his sleeve" Max warned him as his wolf friend hinted something earlier.

Meanwhile, Timber hid within the bushes, Azalea perched on his shoulder as he waited patiently. Koda jumped some of the giant roots. Once he came into the wolf's vision, Timber 's fingers emitted green magic as he pressed his hand to the ground and dirt. A green plant emerged beneath his hand as he focused his magic and it made its way to the nearest root.

The root moved up, so a high jump wouldn't work this time. Koda noticed that root stood out from the rest and he was approaching it fast. Quickly, he ducked down and slid down under the root. "Yes!" Max yelled out, proud of his brother's quick thinking.

"I did it!" Koda called out happily, turning around to look at Max but then be tripped over his tail by accident. Max laughed at his brother as he walked up to him. "How did I do?" Koda asked him, out of breath but curious. "Great Koda! Great!" Max told him, laughing as he lend a hand and helped him up.

"You're gonna do great tomorrow! I know it!" Max said proudly, putting his hands on his shoulders as Koda smiled big at him. He was really glad to have Max supporting him through this big moment. And Max wouldn't dare to leave his brother on his own. He picked him up and threw him up in the air, both brothers laughing and ready to go through the Jungle Rite together.

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