why do bad guys always blow stuff up?

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A/N - Sorry it's late ToT


"You have to take it off now, Jamie," Loki said frowning at me.

I hugged my arms to my chest, shaking my head and scowling behind my mask. "No. I'm never taking it off. Ever. It's too cool. I feel like a total badass too. Don't make me."

"You have to take it off eventually," Peter chipped in, so I scowled at him too.

"Fine," I sighed, pulling the purple cord of my hoodie to return it to civilian form. The part of my face that had been covered by the mask was suddenly plunged into the freezing cold air, and I threw my hood back, shaking my purple hair free. "Happy now?"

Tuesday patrol for Peter and I was over, and it was my least favourite part of the night - the part where I had to leave my suit for another forty four hours until next patrol started. I loved my new outfit, so this was dead.

However, we did have Peter's apartment to go back to after this, so that was something to look forward to.

So here we were, in an alley in the dark on a slightly warmer than usual April evening, and I'd finally given in.

Now my hoodie was in its incognito light grey form, completely wearable out in public, in school, wherever I needed it. One tug of the darker pull cord though, and it'd be transformed into my badass Black Jay uniform, entirely unique to everyone else in the Avengers. So I was planning to never take it off. Just in case.

Loki raised an eyebrow at me. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He stretched and leant off from the wall he'd been previously supported by. "OK, welcome to the Loki Taxi service, where are we going today?"

"Peter's apartment tonight, please, sir," I requested, and cue the interested expression.

"Ooh, change of scenery tonight? Whatcha got planned?" he grinned, not-so innocently.

"Not whatever it is you're thinking of," I answered immediately, much to Peter's confusion, since he hadn't caught on yet. "Besides, he clearly has a crush, and it's not on me."

"What?" Peter asked, and even in the dim light, I could tell he'd gone red. "W-what crush?"

"Liz, duh," I said rolling my eyes. "I've seen the way you look at her. All the time. You're also jealous of my history seat." Honestly, it was disappointing for me. No, not me personally, shut up. MJ had had a crush on Peter since last year. She'd never confirmed it to me, but I could figure these kinda things out. It wasn't hard.

"Wait, how did you figure this out? You and MJ basically never hung out with us until recently."

Well, true. We had no friends. I'd never even talked to Peter this much until just before my suspension. Still didn't hang out that much now, if I thought about it. Tonight was the first time we'd all be together outside of school since skateboarding all that time ago.

"I'm a very observant being. So, are you going to invite her to Homecoming?" I grinned, cheekily.

"No! I mean, maybe? I mean, no!" Peter said, hesitantly. "And anyway, that's ages away."

"Ah, teenage drama, classic entertainment," Loki sighed, and we both stared at him. "So, does the Loki Taxi service have two passengers tonight, or are you flying solo with Spider-Airways?"

"I'll finish up patrol just round the block, then I'll meet up with you guys outside my apartment when I'm done," Peter decided, slipping his mask back on.

"You don't want to be seen with us in public," I tutted. "Right. I see how it is. Well, come along, taxi driver."

We split off from Spider-Peter, who headed off in the direction of Delmar's Deli, Loki and I walking side by side down the sidewalk as though we were normal people. To be fair, we didn't even get that many glances - everyone was probably going home after a long, hard workday. I understand the feeling. Or maybe it was because Loki, unlike other certain Avengers I could name, didn't make his identity ridiculously obvious by acting suspicious with sunglasses and caps on (maybe in summer, but wearing them in winter or at night was stupid).

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