top level security shit

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So yeah. I eventually got into that cab, in my alter-ego form, which I'd decided to just call Jay for short. I hadn't even publicly declared my name yet, and when I did, I'd probably end up asking people to call me Jay anyway. It was more casual, like me, and even sounded like it could be a nickname for actual me.

It would even cover up Rogers's stupid mistake back in that press conference. Look at me being so kind.

I scanned myself into the Tower at eight twenty exactly, walking into the usually empty lobby, where there were two people already waiting on the benches. Maximoff and Loki.

Since everyone in here knew my identity anyway, I deactivated my suit, took off the hoodie (it might have only been April, but I was starting to feel the heat already) and tied it around my waist, before making my way over to them, but they were in the middle of a conversation, so I didn't want to interrupt. Until I realised both of them had sparks and stuff in their hands.

Were my eyes deceiving me? No, they actually had electricity in their hands. They were holding electricity. Or something. What the hell?

Oh... magic. Yeah.

No wonder my eyes didn't understand. I could accept they both had magic when they told me but now I was seeing it with my own eyes... I was just confused. So I decided to just watch and listen until they were done.

"So this is basically a trick I learned whilst copying Thor," Loki was saying to Maximoff, who was looking at the mini lightning in her hands like it was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen. "Clearly it's nowhere near the power levels of actual lightning. Just a little bit of charge."

"That is amazing," she said. "So what kinds of things can I do with this trick?"

Loki shrugged. "I mostly used to use it to trick Thor into thinking I'd stolen his power. But I guess you can charge stuff up. Little party trick. Or," he jabbed me in the side suddenly, giving me an electric shock, "you can stop Jamie being nosy with it."

"Dude!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling way more awake than I did before, rubbing my side where he'd shocked me. "That was so unnecessary."

He grinned at me in that Loki-like way he always did. He never grinned at anyone else, except maybe Peter, when he'd said something stupid. I felt special this way. We had a unique little bond. "It was very necessary, actually. My magic student needed a demonstration."

I scowled at him, turning to Maximoff. Even she was smiling. "I don't know if I like this. I'm supposed to be your protégé. And now you're betraying me."

Loki shook his head as though I'd said something stupid, getting to his feet as Maximoff shook her hands free of the electricity she had summoned in them. "I never betray anyone, how very dare you," he said flatly, then he looked at my t shirt. "Isn't that a bit of a random thing to say on your t shirt?"

"It's a band," I said. Weird how everyone noticed when I got a new t shirt. Though I guess me changing outfits was a rare occurrence and I shouldn't really blame them.

Loki nodded, making a hm noise in his throat. "Looks more like a cult to me." Well... OK, yeah, fair. "Right then, so, to business."

"No, to Stark," Maximoff corrected. I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said it so insistently. And the way Loki just blinked at her. She wasn't wrong.

But it totally threw Loki off track, for like, a whole two or three seconds. Had to be a new record. Well done, Maximoff. "Yeah." He shook his head. "To Stark."

And so we walked in silence to the elevator, staying quiet whilst in the elevator. Gotta be honest, Stark needed a new elevator playlist – this one was starting to get a little old. Most of it was AC/DC, with some random Black Sabbath and Metallica mixed in, but Shoot To Thrill seemed to be on every time I was in here. I should take over the Tower's Spotify, honestly.

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