Ch 16 - Interlude

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The next morning, Wren went about her day as normal. Cisco was overdue for some exercise, so once she was finished helping with the rest of the horses, she saddled him and grabbed her backpack. She loaded it with paper, ink and a quill, and her copy of Pride and Prejudice. She had been endeavoring to translate it into the common tongue for Cassandra and thought that she could continue working on it once she arrived at her destination.

She rode Cisco out through the gates, past the camp outside the walls and then urged him from a trot into a canter. The air had changed from brisk fall to the true chill of winter and she could smell the snow in the air. Her cloak billowed behind her as she rode, but the exertion kept her warm until she reached the meadow in the next valley that she had found on a previous ride. She let Cisco relax and slipped the bit from his mouth, securing him to a low hanging tree branch so he could graze while she worked. She found a spot nestled between the roots of a large tree and made herself comfortable. She wasn't sure how long she had been working when the sound of hoof beats was carried to her ears. She looked up to see Evan securing Xander next to Cisco and turning his bright smile toward her.

"There you are," he said. "I was half worried that despite everything you had left for the crossroads."

"No. I spoke to Cullen this morning to let him know I wasn't leaving."

"What are you working on?" he asked coming to sit beside her.

"Translating a book for Cassandra."

"What's it about?"

She filled him in on the general plot of Pride and Prejudice as she put the papers away to focus better on their conversation.

"You don't have to stop working on my account," he said, noting her actions.

"I know, but I'd prefer to spend the time with you. I imagine you'll have to leave Skyhold again soon," she said, trying not to let sadness creep into her words. I just got him back and I'll have to let him go again. "Varric was telling me about the peace talks the Empress of Orlais arranged and how you've been asked to attend."

"Yes, but those are still a few weeks away. Close enough that Josephine is fretting about the delegation's attire, but far enough that I don't have to think about it yet." He gave her an easy-going smile and leaned closer to slide his arm around her.

Wren happily settled against him, leaning her head on his shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

"While the peace talks are still a while off, I do have to leave Skyhold tomorrow."

"Where to?"


Her ears perked up and she lifted her head to look him in the eyes.

"You got something on the Red Templars?" she asked.

"Thanks to you, yes. Leliana's people have been in the area for about a month. The Red Templars were keeping themselves hidden initially, small camps, nothing we could pin down. But things seem to be accelerating. Now they've taken over the ruins of an old elven fortress and a smaller tower outpost, moving in much larger numbers. And people are going missing. It's time we stepped in and put a stop to whatever they're doing."

She nodded agreement with his sentiment and then had to fight to keep the look of shock off her face at his next words.

"Do you think you can be ready to leave with us tomorrow?"

"You want me to come with you?"

He nodded slowly, but his eyes clouded with worry as his brows furrowed together. "I hate the thought of bringing you into danger, but you proved at Adamant that you can handle yourself. And I hate the thought of leaving you behind and being without you even more." He ran his thumb gently along her jaw, tilting her head to give her a brief kiss.

"Then let's go kick some ass," she said, grinning at him.

He smiled widely at her. "You're a remarkable woman, Wren."

She looked away to hide her blush, saying, "I'm nothing special, Evan."

"You're joking, right?" he said, pulling her eyes back to his. "You get torn away from everything you've ever known and get dumped into a world full of magic and demons. You survive getting tortured for days by men that give even me nightmares. Most people I know would break under such conditions. But you didn't. And that strength, little bird, is something very special indeed."

He kissed her more deeply before helping her stand. They walked to the horses hand-in-hand and rode back to Skyhold together.

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