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~3rd person~

It was the next day and ivy was on the floor mia was half on the sofa then ivys alarm went off "ah w-whats happening " ivy said in a confused tired tone.mia woke up and grabbed a pillow and throws it at ivys face.


Ivy:"what was that for?"

Mia:"turn that fucking phone off ahhh"


Mia:"yes i wanna sleep"

Ivy:"nope not happening we have work to do"


Ivy:"come on we work at a coffee shop its already 7 we where suppose to be there right on 6"

Mia:"ah shit i dont wanna get yelled at again"

Ivy:"come on let get ready"


Ivy and mia rush to their rooms and get ready

Ivy and mia rush to their rooms and get ready

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mias outfit

ivys outfit

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ivys outfit

They both put on some trainers and headed out since the cafe was near there house they just walked for 12 minutes.

~jays pov~

I wake up my head felt like i got hit by a brick i went downstairs to see sunoo and jake getting water "hey that party last night"jake said "yeah your ass got drunk as hell"sunoo said "well i spoke to the most cute girl ever" jake said "oh yeah what was her name btw" i asked getting water from the fridge "um i think it was i-iv-ivy Thats it" jake said "thanks " i said walking out "bro why do you want to know for" jake yelled a little bit making me enter the room again "because...shes HOT" i said winking at jake "you fucker" jake said to me i know i made him mad by saying that so i ran out the kitchen to my car to get a coffee

~end pov~

~3rd person~

as soon as they enter they see their boss stairing at them "sorry we're late" mia apologized and they both went in the back to put on aprons

They came out and started ordering peoples orders.after they where now on break they just stayed at the counter and talked mia sat on the counter knowing she cant and will get told off she really didnt care

As they where talking a young boy walked in catching ivys attention "ah hes so cute" ivy said in her head lost in her thoughts "yaa snap out off it" mia said trying to bring ivy back to present "do you know him" mia asked both looking at eachother "idk but hes so" "so what??"they both look in front counter and see the boy "im waiting for a answer" the boy laughed

Mia jumps off the counter "so what can i get for you" mia asked "id like a caramel frappe"he ordered "ill bring that right out" mia said making the drink ivy was just standing there trying to remember where she see him before.and then it hit her the party.mia gave the boy his drink and he gave her a note for ivy.

Mia looks at it and taps ivys shoulder "this was from that boy" note:"you were hot last night" ivy started blushing and saw the boy leave the cafe quick.she wanted to know the boys name so she asked mia what she wrote on his cup "jay why" she said .thats the boy from last night.

With that ivy just wanted to get his number so she ran after him "HEY SIR" she yelled not getting his attention so she yelled "JAY" with that his attention was on her "hey your from last night right" she asked "yeah i am" he winked making ivy blush again "c-can i have your number" "yeah you can" he gave his number to ivy and went in his car and left making ivy smile

~jays pov~

I finaly got home and see niki jake heesung in the front room "hey jake you know your hot girl i saw her" i said getting him to stand up " are you stalking her you creep" jake said "whos this hot girl" niki said smirking "yeah because it looks like jakes in love" heesung said "shut up you two" jake said "she asked for my number" i said "and you gave it to her" i nod yes "your dead" jake said running after me.

~end jay pov~

~ivy pov~

I walked back to the cafe and saw mia standing there pissed of with me "sorry" "really for a boy" mia said "not just a boy" mia just walked to the coffee machine and started making coffee so i joined her until it was time to leave .when we left i saw there was going to be a party and i sent it to jay and he said hes coming ahhh yay

~skz pov~

All the boys where siting in the front room watching tv until chan walked in getting all the boys attentions "we have a mission" chan said "which is" felix asked "her" chan said showing a picture of....IVY.

~mia pov~

Me and ivy where walking home it was like 10 at night now when we walk home theres this alleyway which was dark and creepy ivy was scared of it but i promised to protect her at all costs.we get to the alleyway and start walking we both hear someone behind us like real close so we turn around and see a boy he looked like a baby "can we help you sir" mia said "hmm idk can you" he said me and ivy confused and then felt clofe cover are mouths and looked at eachother i felt sorry for ivy so i tryed to help her get away so i kicked my guy and then ivys we started runing looked back and bump into someones chest."where do you think your going princess" the deep voice asked "ha ok first dont call me that and wer going home" i said in a sassy way he looked at the both of us and smiled "not happening" he said and the next thing i felt somethink hard hit my head and ivy falling ontop of me.

~felix pov"

That girl really trying to be sassy with me so i responded with the truth. Then hyunjin came with a BAT me looking shoked at him and then he hit them omg hyunjin🤦 "you idiot" "what they were running away" hyunjin said "chan said conscious not unconscious" i said him making an 😯 face.


Oh silly hyunjin what will happen next 0_0 (: <♡

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