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~ivy pov~

I woke up and it was black there was a blind fold on my head i started yelling "help" and "is anyone there" then i heard someone next to me groaning "ivy" "yeah its me you ok" i asked it was mia we where both tide to a chair "hey are you tied up in a chair" i asked "mhh my head hurt" mia said i started to hear foot steps. And told mia "can you hear that" "yeah"

~end pov~

~3rd person~

Skz walk in and the girls heads shoot up "hey get us the fuck out" mia said angrily no one responded "i know you can hear me you idiots" mia said really pissed "i-i think you should respond she going to loose it" ivy said no response "you guys are real DICKHEADS LET US GO" mia yelled in fustration "and can i add i was supose to go to a party AND NOW I CANT" ivy yelled too "you girls" a voice spoke but got cut off "you where going to a party WITH OUT ME" mia yelled at ivy "yeah why do you care" ivy said the boys looking confused at the both of them "oh wow so your going to ditch me with that boy" mia said

"you know what yeah yeah i was going to fucking ditch you for him but just so you know i got his number to get close to jake ok" ivy said the boys eyes Rised at the name "y-you know jake" a voice said "yeah why do you care are you gay or somethink " ivy snapped he came close to her and took her blind fold off

her eyes adjusted to the light "tell us how you know him" the boy asked "holly shit your HOT" ivy said a bit to loud "no way really hey boy take mine off please"mia asked "w-what no answer the question" he asked "ok but can i ask you one" ivy asked he noded yes

"are you single" ivy asked biting her lip at him his face got red "jeongin" another boy said "oh lord even his name is leng" ivy said "what is leng" the so called boy jeongin asked "oh right shes british" mia said "it means hot good looking and some other thing just know it means your hot k" ivy said smiling at the confused jeongin."HOW DO YOU KNOW JAKE" a voice yelled "oh right sorry i went to a party i also saw jay too why are they important or somethink" ivy questioned

"bro that dose seem like them thay are teens they probable did go" a voice said catching ivys attention "oh lord help" "help what" mia asked "there all so hot" ivy said "no way take my god dammb blind fold " ivy started moving her hands and they just sliped right out and pulled mias blind fold off

"hey what are you doing" a boy asked "letting her enter heave"ivy said "whats your name cutie" mia asked one of the boys the boy blushed at the name he lookes at the boy in the middle he noded his head so we think he was the leader or somethink "my names changbin" the very well built boy said

"well hello daddy" mia said causing the boy to blush he left the room and never came back "someone gets flustered to quick"ivy siad looking at mia "hey you two" the boy in the middle gets ivy and mias attention "yeah what so you want to get flustered to" mia questioned " no i am chan and we are straykids a mafia and w-" chan was talking but got cut off

"oh my even better what a dream" ivy said seeing that chan was getting impatient "sorry go on" ivy said chan roled his eyes and continued "we have taken you for a mission ivy your father is a mafia leader in Tokyo" "what thats where mias parents live"ivy said "we are full aware of that your father has gotten into trouble now a mafia is trying to kidnapp you" "tsk so you did it instead" ivy said

"THIS IS A MATER OF DEATH" chan yelled the girls heads go down to the floor "sorry sir" they both said at the same time .chan looked guilty for yelling but hes trying to help them."its ok just listen we have to look after you two for a couple of weeks till ivys dad fixes everything " chan said ivy puts her hand up head still to the ground

"yes" chan said "hes never going to fix it just like are relationship" ivy said causing mias head to raise "ivy" mia said quietly "ITS TRUE NO??" ivy asked mias head turned to chan and liped stop talking he noded "ok i have some maides hear who will take you to your rooms and your free to walk around the house"

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