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Chan walks up to mia pulling her off of hyunjin "let go of me" chan lets go of her mad "the one time I trust you with them and you guys are getting them drunk" chan says to the guys "sorry sir" they all say "why are you yelling at them you should be yelling at me im the one who started this" ivy said "dont take the blame i know it was them" chan said ivy gets up and walks to chan and wispers "your such a dick" and walks away

Ivy and mia walk to there rooms tired mia said gn to ivy and went to her room ivy went in her room sitting on the bed when she hears a knock at her door "if the person on the other side of that door goes by the name of chan fuck off" she said the door opens and it was chan "omg did you not hear me i dont want to hear from you" "ik your mad at me i've spoken to the boys they said it was you" "are you gonna yell at me" she asked upset "id like that but im too tired" he said rubbing ivy's head then leaving her room.

Ivy was so confused and felt bad not knowing what to do.time past she was laying in her bed wide awake not being able to sleep she checks the clock on her side table seeing it was 2am. Not knowing if everyone was asleep she went down stairs to get food.As Ivy quietly descended the stairs, she noticed the dim glow of the kitchen lights casting long shadows across the floor. She tiptoed towards the fridge, trying not to make a sound. Opening it slowly, she grabbed a container of leftover pasta, her stomach rumbling in hunger.

Just as she was about to go back to her room, a soft breeze brushed against her cheek, carrying with it the scent of chlorine. Ivy hesitated, but her curiosity wins. She knew she shouldn't wander, but the outside was too strong to resist.

Carefully setting down her food, Ivy made her way to the back door, sliding it open with a gentle push. The cool night air embraced her as she stepped onto the patio, the moonlight casting a shimmering glow over the water.

Ivy approached the edge of the pool, her feet dangling in the stillness. She couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over her, the peacefulness of the moment easing her mind.

Lost in thought, Ivy didn't notice the faint sound of footsteps approaching from behind until it was too late. A hand suddenly clasped over her mouth, pulling her back into the darkness.

Before she could react, a familiar voice whispered in her ear, "You shouldn't be out here alone, Ivy."

Startled, Ivy turned to see Chan standing beside her, his gaze softening as he released her. She felt a rush of conflicting emotions flood through her, unsure of how to respond.

"I... I just needed some air," she stammered, her heart racing.

Chan studied her for a moment before nodding slowly. "I understand. But it's not safe for you to be out here alone. Come, let's go back inside."

Ivy followed him, her mind swirling with questions. As they returned to the warmth of the kitchen, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Chan,and that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a deep dark secret yet to come out.

so...let's talk 😄
I haven't been on here bc I've been busy but I wrote this chapter so hope you love it 😘

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