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A/N:IF you guys didnt see 'IMPORTANT' then i will tell you that 'Y/N' is now replaced whit 'Kishi'.

Time skip
Kishis POV:

"Callum I'm sorry."said Rayla as we both followed Callum.

"I tried to tell you the kings dead..."she said trying to justify herself.

"My stepdad.He was more then a King to me."he replide.

"Your stepdad.I know.I really tried,we both did-"

"Kisha...you knew?"Callum asked me whit a batrayed look on his face.

"Callum,look i am sorry-"i said trying to get close too him but he pushed ne away.

"How are we going to tell Ezran?Hes a kid!How would he feel that his own sister lied to him!To both of us!"Callum yelled at me.

"I'm sorry Callum..."as i said that he walked away.

"Are you okey?"Rayla asked me.

"No...he hates me now.."after i said that she hugged me.

"He dosent,he needs some time..."

Time skip
The next day

I and Rayla were sitting together,she tried to talk to me but i ignored her.We hear someone walking toward us so we looked behind us to see Callum.

"I couldnt do it..I couldnt tell him"he said as he sat next to us.

"Callum..."Rayla said.

"And I understand why you two couldnt tell me..."

"When you care about someone,you dont want to hurt them..."i said as i was holding dads letter.

"I should have told you.You had the right to know."Rayla said.

"I maybe did know,deep down,i just hoped..."before Callum could finish i hugged him and he started sobbing,and i,just held him.

Time skip

"When Soren said dad wanted us home,you knew he was lying."Callum asked.

"Yeah."me and Rayla said at the same time.

"Mybe Soren was also trying to protect our feeling."he said.

"Probably not."

"We dont have a choice anymore,we need to leave."Rayla said.

"I agree.We need to go now,before they realise we are gone."i said back.

"Kishi they are our friends.."

"They lied to you Callum."Rayla said.

"Soren lied,Claudia didnt.We cant just leave."

"Leave?"we look behind to see Claudia and Soren.

"We are leaving today.Zym needs him mother back,he needs her."i said.

"Oh"Claudia replid.

"Are you sure?Your dad would miss you?"Soren said but Claudia punched him.

"Soren what is wrong whit you?!"she said.

"I'm just trying to--"

"Dont!Stop it Soren!"

"Ugh,fine.Do what you want."he said walking away.

"I am sorry about him.But before you go,Callum,i have something to give you in private."said Claudia.

"Um,alright."he said blushing making both me and Rayla roll our eyes.

Time skip

"Kishi look!"Ezran said showing the bag where Zym was resting in,making us both laugh.

"He cant fly yet,but he should be safe in..."Ezran started but stopped once he saw Zym wasnt in there,he was behind Yami.

When he popped up Ezran was in shock and Bait went into the backpack.Out of nowhere a sad Callum passed us.

"Let me guess,once we were gone she tried to make you go back home."Rayla asked.

"No she gave me back the letter dad gave me."he said showing the letter.

"Thats...suprising?"Yami said.

"Ya and Soren and her want to come whit us."Callum added.

"They cant.Espacially Claudia."i said.

"Why?"Callum asked.

"Shes a drak mage,they will try to kill her once she crosses the borders."i said back.

"Callum i know you trust them.But if we let them come whit us by the time we know the trust it will be too late."Rayla said.

"How can we figure out of its help or a trap?"said Yami.

Time skip
Third POV:

"Okey everyones here.Lets hit the road."Rayla said once she saw Kishi,Callum and Ezran walk up to the group.

The group were walking for some time until Rayla stopped them.

"It will a long journey.Lets me just go around this bush-corner and see if i can find some berries."Rayla said and walked away while Yami volonteard to help her.And Soren followed her.

Claudia started casting some spell making Ava run away.The snakes wraped around Kisha,Ezran and Callum,turning the snakes into chains.

Claudia tried to chach Zym but he started to run away but she caught him.

"I'm sorry,i know this feels like i am batraying you but i cant let you go."she said.

"Please dont give me the silent treatment,Callum.Say something!"she said but Callum just started at nothing.Until she realised something.

"Soren this is a trap!"she screamed.When Ellies took of Avas coller the illusiones disapperd.

"They are illusiones."Claudia said.

"What?Your saying they are not real?"Soren aslrd.And Ellies laught.Soren tried to Attack her but her and Ava ran away.

Suddendly there was a huge Ball of light.It was Kishi,Callum and Ezran on Phoe-Phoe.

Rayla and Yami quickly jumped on her and Kishi caught them.

Claudia used a spell and caught Phoe-Phoe.Claudia was bringing them to her while Callum pleaded.But a man caught Claudias other hand.

"Stop!Let them go!"he screamed.He janked the squid tentacel that Claudias usend to cast the spell.But Soren knocked him out whit a rock.

The gang suceded in running away from them.

"We got them!I was right!"Rayla said.

"Yeah,you were right."said Callum.

"I wish i wasnt,I'm sorry."she said.

After some flying the moon was fully out.

"Its okey buddy,come out."said Yami to the backpack where Zym was resting.Zym came out a little unsure was was redured whit Kishis and Raylas smiles.

After Zym looked down he got scared and hugged Ezran.

"Wanna see how flying feel?Spread your wing!"said Ezran as he picked him up in a flying posision.

Zym spread his wing and started making happy dragon noises making everyone exept Callum laugh.

Kishi put an arm on his sholder,showing him the happy scene,making him smile.

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