(1) c(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄ ⁄)o

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(nagito POV)

i came in the restaurant as i saw akane sobbing and crying "*wahhhh* i-if i wasnt *hic* weakkkk!" she sobbed as i saw hiyoko avoiding her and ibuki by going to a corner "umm hiyoko-chan i know its a waste of time informing me whats going on but can yo-" i said in my same raspy voice

 as fuyuhiko came in and hiyoko explianed  "well,,, ibuki is weird! akane is crying none stop! what do you think!(╬ Ò-Ó)" she screamed at me "ah- im sorry i wasn't worth your time" i said as fuyuhiko also got the explanation "so you mean their now weird from shock after neckumaru's ya know" fuyuhiko said while hiyoko backaway 

"so what sho-" "nagito!\(≧▽≦)/" and with that for some reason hajime ran towards me tackling me down with one big hug making me fall on the ground blushing "hinata? why are you hugging someone as useless as me?"i said as he hugged me like a dog seeing their ower after they came back from work but over all i blushed madly 

"e-everyone! t-they're all sick!" mikan said as the others ran in with her then thats when i felt hajime burning up "a-ah your right as expected from the ultimate nurse not even i a worthless person noticed that" i said as i tried to get out of hajimes grasp smiling weakly

"puhuhu~ well is everyone here? good. you see this is the new motive! hajime ibuki and akane got the despair disease and it has different affects in different people for example akane has the coward disease ibuki has the gullible disease and hajime has the clingy childish disease in which nagito is only one his clingly to. now tata~" he said as he left us all confused 

and then i realized hajime passed out on me, blushing, i tried to get up and carry him while hiyoko shouted "lets quarantine them! get them away from me!" she said as she stayed in her corner "yeah nagito mikan and me since nagito is touching hajime mikans is a nurse and i volunteer willingly" fuyuhiko said to everyone as i smiled 

"i hope someone as useless as me can be in use for you" and with that fuyuhiko sighed and we all left to the hospital place as we were there i hurried to a room and placed down hajime "mmhm" i heard a grunt as i turned around to see hajime awake "nagito! \(^ヮ^)/" he said as he sat up happily but fell down easily "h-hajime!" i stuttered out his name as i tried to support him getting closer to him making me blush more

 i mean i do know i like him... that i cant ignore so i just try to hide it so no one will know my secret crush


 but he instantly hugged me "yay! nagito!(((o(*°▽°*)o)))" he said as hugged me "why would you hug someone as useless as me" i sighed "your not useless! i am... im just a reserve course student..." he mumbled in my ear as he hugged me while i just stood there shock "what?-" i confusingly asked as he smiled at me 

"niii im bored! nagito lets play lets play!" he said playfully as i just nodded sliently "lets p-play..." he said as he passed out again "...but what does he mean by that tho..." i muttered as i left the room to call for mikan

it all started with the despair disease||komahina||Where stories live. Discover now