(4) (/ಥ﹏ಥ)V ( 〃▽〃)

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1:43 pm i did tell him i'll meet him at 2 so maybe i should go early i went to change my clothes and  left my cottage i went to the beach house there he is waiting for me early? i walked closer to him as he smiled "nagito! so pick one info or,,, therapy?" he asked as i smiled weakly "u-um maybe therapy?" i said as he smiled

"um ok tho i don't know how i started it but hey! i got a g-gift for you!" hajime said as he blushed giving me a letter "u-umm j-just read it i-its about u-umm ah! nevermind!" he said as he took the letter again "uh hajime? why are you flustered all of a sudde-" and with that blush

 "i-is that a-a love letter?" i asked blushing as he nodded slowly "i- uh- um- ah- oh god- ahhh!" stumbling with my words i crouched down as i got a gay panic attack "uh- n-nagito?" hajime said as i continue to stumble with my words "fuc! that's to cute!" i some how said in my panic 

"wha- huh!" hajime said as he blushed more making me snap back to reality "i- um- i- li-like you t-to..." i said as i blushed hard and then hajime got a gay panic attack- "uh- um- ah- oh god-" he bluhsed hard as i shyly stood up and started fidgeting with my fingers and hair 

"i- i like you too h-hajime hinata" i said as hajime blushed harder "r-really?" he asked while blsuhing hard "umm hajime? are you uhh a tsundere?" i asked as hajime actually accteps it "y-yea kind of.." he said as i sighed in relief "that nice" i said as i hugged him while he blushed in my hug 

"i love you too hajime" i said as he blushed "m-me too" he said as i chuckled "this is not a therapy session-" i chukled as hajime blushed "so can i see whats in the letter?" i asked as hajime placed the letter in his bag "no!" he said as i smiled "sure thing tho i guess i will chose info this time..." i said as hajime sighed as we sat down a corner "w-well lets see umm i guess I'll start at the beginning..."

"there was a one high school girl named junko enoshima, and she is the SHSL (supper high school level) despair... when she enrolled in hopes peak she made something that brainwashed people... i think...  and the whole reserve course  got brainwashed but i didn't get brainwashed because of... umm.." hajime was lost in words as i try to keep up

 "how didn't you get brainwashed?" i asked him as he flinched "a-are you ok?" i asked him as he just stared at the ground for half a minute so i tapped his shoulder and then he came back "oh... umm,,, lets start with my point of view, to know on why i didn't get brainwashed" he said as i nodded 

"we-well i meet chiaki before, so i played with her a lot, after school, and got jealous that she was an ultimate, but then after i got a letter about... a experiment... it says something about artificial talent... and i sighed up to it, and then i have another personality...." hajime said as he looked down while i had anger "why did you do that i mean you are perfect!" i said as hajime smiled sadly at me 

"yeah i know im dumb... but lets continue, junko enoshima... the ultimate dispair made a video about a killing game and somehow, made the whole reserve course brainwashed but not me, and somehow a whole class, called class 77 turned insane, and became the ultimate dispair class causing terror in earth it self ... and we are class 77... and i was part of the cause... i think..." hajime said as i turned shocked 

"w-what?" "we were captured by a group call future foundation and we are in a rehabilitation program... n-nagito? should- should i stop?" hajime asked as i snapped out of it "ah umm s-sure..." i said as he stoped "so that means we are in a rehabilitation program like rehab so we will be okay r-right?" i asked hajime as he smiled "yeah..." 

"just remember I'll be here to help you no matter what ok?" hajime told me as he hugged me closer making me forget my worries and fall asleep "good night nagito..." is the last thing i heard 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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