(3) (ಡ‸ಡ)」

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after the trial (hajime POV)

"hey nagito meet me at the beach house at 3:pm later..." i told him 

i sighed "should i tell him what i remember... why did i even tell him to meet me!" i argue to myself as i blushed do i really like him that much?  i checked the time 2:56 pm "i should probably go early..." i said as i put on my shoes and held there, but as i went i saw nagito... "h-hey..." i said as he looked my way "so what is it you want to tell me..." he said as silents filled the house 

"w-well i told you before that i regained half my memories, well there's something i want to talk about..." i said as i instantly gulped "why me?" he asked as i smiled "you like hope right? so im hoping if i tell you this info you wont turn mad or insane on me" i replied as he stayed quite but blushing?

 "if your gonna ask why again its just i kinda trust you... so are you gonna listen to me?" i asked nagito as he nodded and sat down "tho we can continue this later and get along for now!" i tried to make an excuse but he just smiled at me "s-sure i mean why be with someone as worthless as m-" 

"stop it- just stop saying that! stop it! its- its annoying! your not worthless your not trash! you just envy them and want to support them in a weird way!" i yelled at him as i sighed "you already done enough, i mean you helped us in your own way, in which we dont understand since we cant see your perspective so please stop it... your admiration to hope is wild we dont know what your trying, keep on doing that if you want but stop pitying yourself its... its sad" i sighed as i smiled at him 

"i mean look at me im more useless then you! im from the reserve course i shouldn't even be here but i am its sad seeing someone above me pity themselves because their talent isn't good... there are people who are below you, you know... i should have been treated like trash not you! i should be envious not you! im below everyone here not you! so stop it!" i said as i felt tears threatening to fall 

"h-hajime..." "oh heh sorry i guess i made more tension in the air, but just stop it ok?" i smiled weakly at him as he just looked down "it my fault im s-" "no its not! im at fault here! so im the one to blame!" i said as i smiled at him weakly "this is not worth fighting about so give up..." i hugged him "don't blame your self" i muttered those words while hugging him tightly

 "w-why d-do care for s-someone like m-me" he muttered those words as tears fell off his face "ho-how can you put me in such a state... heh as expected from the ultimate... mmm therapy giver!" he said as he tried to lighten the room "im your therapy cause... i envy them before..." i mumbled the last part as i let him go while smiling 

"come back tomorrow at 2 so i can give you more therapy or tell you the info" i smiled at him as he smile back weakly "i just hope after i gave you therapy the info wont make you change again tho.." i said as i sighed while he just smiled "I'll try not too.." he said as i smile weakly to him "tomorrow at 2?" "tomorrow at 2." we said as i left him

i went to my cottage and sat their "i still wonder who is izuku Kamakura..."

it all started with the despair disease||komahina||Where stories live. Discover now