(2) ( ╬>n<)」

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i called mikan to come as she did she fell- again "ahhh! so embarrassing!" she yelled as she got up and helped hajime "so.. is he gonna be ok?" i frowned as she smiled "y-yeah just a b-bit t-tried from p-probably talking or m-moving a lot" she stuttered as i smiled "as expected from the ultimate nurse! its really a waste to be talking to trash like me..." i said as she ran off somewhere

 "nagito! wanna know secrets!\(★v★)/" he said as i nodded blushing at his face but as confused as a worthless trash "i got half my memorise back! hehe tho sadly some of them are blankkkkk!" he whined as i stood there shocked and thought of stuff to ask him (ask him out nagito!) "really? mind telling me what happened before?" i asked him as he smiled playfully 

"well apparently im a reserve course student in hopes peak! \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/ isn't it amazing i got to hopes peak! then mmmm oh right! all the reserve course students went mad and started to attack hopes peak then... actually no i think before that i got brain surgery or something? mmm no no ...wahhh  i cant think! its like everyone attacking hopes peak and then hopes peak got a lock down or something and ummm i think there was a killing game inside hopes peak? i don't know its all weird! like niii! my head hurts again" he said as he held his head and i got stunned

 "so your as useless as me?" i asked as he smiled while i blushed again "ummm i think i mean i did join a club i think its the debate club- in the reserve course but ehh i think i am still worthless! i mean yeah!" he said as he hugged me again "wanna know more! mmmm i think there are the rements of despair that- actually looks lik-" he said as he got my interests 

"puhuhuhu i see nagito is having all the info is it well have fun with all that info tho i don't recommend sharing them it might be a motive pupupu" monokuma said as i looked back at hajime "wait... if i tell you im a reserve course student will you see me differently?" hajime asked as he got out of the hug by himself "you probably hate me now don't you..." hajime asked as he just sat on the bed is he worried that i might seeing him differently "..." and with that blush!

"i wont hate you... im just a bit happy that theres someone who can relate to me being all useless and stuff..." i trailed off as he frowned "that's a lie!" hajime's sick self said as i stopped "your not useless! you just need to find a way to be helpful and that's what you have been doing since! you... you wanted to risk you life for the ultimates to be useful! but your doing it the wrong way!" hajime said as i chuckled 

"just wait till you turn back to your normal self" i chuckled while blushing as he frowned "oh well then lets play a game! hide and seek!" he said as he rushed out of the room "wait hajime!" i yelled as i saw fuyuhiko watching a video in the cameras "shit- shit- shit- n-nagito come with me someone died!" fuyuhiko said as i frowned 

"looks like hajime will turn back... oh umm h-hinata is running around the-" and with that i got pulled to the so-called titty typoon and then busted the door open "h-hiyoko?! ibuki?!" we both said as the body announcement rang 

"w-what is happening and why is my head hurting a lot?" hajime asked as he came in seeing the bodies "o-oh" he said as he sat down near a wall "what just happened why am i wearing these clothes what was the motive again why was i in the hospital?" he started to question himself as i came to him 

"well the motive was a disease you ibuki and akane had it so you wont remember much or anything" i said to him as he blushed after seeing me? "a-ah ok that explains the clothes and my headache and im pretty sure i remember half of what happened... s-so don't worry but for now i think its best to investigate" he said as i blushed "y-yeah sure" i said as we all went to investigate 

it all started with the despair disease||komahina||Where stories live. Discover now