Chapter 1: The New Student

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A new day at Otonokizaka had just begun as Honoka, Umi and Kotori where walking to school near at the entrance.

Umi: Hey did you guys heard?

Kotori: Heard what?

Umi: that our school is becoming a Co-Ed school?

Kotori: Oh yeah heard about that.

Honoka: Uh what does Co-Ed mean?

Umi: It means that our school is not going to be an all girls school anymore.

Honoka: Wait you saying there are going to be boys attending soon?

Kotori: Yep, in fact, I hear that there is one joining our class today.

Honoka: Whoa really.

Kotori: Yep.

Honoka: Wow I wonder what he looks?

Umi: Well nobody knows yet will just have to wait and see.

Just then the school bell rang and the girls ran to their classroom


Everyone got ready for class, then the teacher walked in the classroom and started to get things situated. Afterwards she looked up at the class full of second years.

Endo Sensei: Good morning, student.

Students: Good Morning, Endo Sensei.

Endo Sensei: Before we begin, I would like to announce to anyone who is still has yet to hear, that our school is turning into Co-Ed school. This means that our school will no longer be an all girls school. In addition, This would be normally mean, that boys will be attending Otonokizaka too beginning next year but I received word that one boy transferred from Fukouka and will be joining our class today.

By this point, student were whispering amongst themselves making guesses as to who this new student will be and what he will be like. However the whispers were cut short when everybody heard the classroom door open.

Into the classroom came a 16 year old (second year) boy with brown hair and red eyes.

Endo Sensei: Very well then, why don't you introduce yourself to the class young man.

The raven-haired boy faced the teacher and nodded and face back towards the class once again.

(Y/n): H-Hello everyone my name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I transferred from Fukuoka to here at Otonokizaka and I hope we all get along. *nervous smile*

The class of girls all clapped for (Y/n) when he finished his announce.

Students: Welcome To Otonokizaka (Y/n).

This Caught (Y/n) off guard to the point when he blushed and smiled a little and scratched the back of his head.

After (Y/N) finished his introducing himself, he was instructed by Endo Sensei to sit down at the vacant desk near the back of the room where Honoka is. (Y/N) made his way over to the open desk and sat down

Honoka noticed (y/n) right next to her and turned in his direction

Honoka: *smile* Hi (y/n) my name is Honoka Kosaka nice to meet you.

(Y/n) blush a little

Y/n: *smale smile* Hey, Honoka its nice meet you to.

Just then class has begun. After class was done (Y/N) gathered his things and made his way to his next class but then Honoka catches up (y/n) and introduce her friends

Honoka: Hey (y/n) let me introduce my friends.

Umi: Umi Sonoda nice to meet you.

Kotori: *bright smile* I'm Kotori Minami nice to me you.

Y/n: *nervously, small smile and blushing a little* H-hi nice to you meet you both.

Honoka: Hey (y/n) wanna talk later at lunch.

Y/n: Yeah that be great.

Kotori: Really!

Umi: That's Great.

Honoka: *excitement* AWESOME, Alright meet us at the school outdoor okay.

Y/n: Got it I'll see you later then bye.

Y/n went of to his next class

Honoka, Umi, Kotori: See you later.

Honoka, Umi, Kotori went to their next

As (y/n) was walking to his class he felt happy as he knew he was going to make a lot of friends here.

End of Chapter 1

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