Chapter 4: Sparks fly! Sparking Launch!

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Hello everyone I'm finally back with a brand new chapter now without further ado let's begin the reading.

It was a Sunday evening, Y/n and the girls were at the park practicing as well as battling it was Honoka versus Kotori while Umi watched from the sidelines and Y/n was the referee. It's the 3rd round and Honoka was at 1 point and Kotori was at 1 point as well.

Y/n: You two ready?

Kotori: Ready!

Honoka: Just give us the word!

Y/n: Alright here we go! Third battle!

Honoka and Kotori get into their positions.

Kotori: Let's go Ashura!

Honoka: Ok Pegasus, time to fly!

Y/n: Ready, set!

Everyone: 3!2! 1!

Honoka and Kotori: Let it... Rip!

Honoka and Kotori launch their beys into the stadium but neither of them achieve the sparking launch.

Honoka: Aw... It didn't make spark's.

Umi: Honoka, foucs!

Honoka: Right sorry.

Ashura heads for the center and takes it while Pegasus circles around the
stadium, then Pegasus races for it!

Kotori: Samurai Guard!

Ashura uses six of the twelve blades on its Samurai ring to create a lime-green whirlwind that defends itself from Pegasus' attacks.

Honoka: I'm just getting started! Storm Launch!

Pegasus rides the stadium's slope to increase its speed and hits Ashura, it then goes on to give Ashura a barrage of attacks.

Y/n: Hmm... Now those were some nice attacks.

Pegasus knockes Ashura out of the center but Ashura regains it.

Kotori: What the?!

Honoka: Go Pegasus!

Then she here's a female voice.

Pegasus: The only blader who can unleash my true potential is you Honoka.

Honoka: *mind* 'What was that?'

Pegasus unleashes it's blue aura along with Honoka.

Honoka: Let's go! Storm Breaker!

Pegasus slams into the wall before it launches itself at Ashura with more speed and power and clashes with Ashura, giving it a powerful attack! This sends Ashura flying out of the stadium, Kotori gasps as Ashura flew through the air before it hit the ground.

Y/n: It's Storm Pegasus with a Ring Out finish! Final score of 2 to 1, Honoka Kosaka wins!

Honoka: Yes, I win!

Kotori: Aw, I thought I had it!

Honoka: *picks up her bey* What was that just now?

Y/n: That was a good battle you two!

Umi: I have to admit that was fun.

Y/n: Now it's my turn with Umi.

Y/n and Umi get into their positions to the stadium

Y/n: Honoka, do you want to be the referee?

Honoka: ......

Y/n: Uh, Honoka?

The Beyblade Burst Project (Love Live x Beyblade Burst) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now