Chapter 1

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Slumped over in a metal chair, a beaten soldier awakens disoriented and confused. He jumps up but his handcuffs yanks him back into his seat. While standing, he crowns a lampshade dangling above which helps him make out images in this dark, secluded room. He usings his shoulder to whip sweat from his cheek and is painfully reminded by a bruised jaw. The man tries his strength to lift the chair off it its legs but fails. It's somehow magnetized to the ground along with a matching table infront of him. On top he spots a manila folder with names on it. Officer Grae. He stretches forward and drags the folder closerwith his chin. He bites the top flap and opens the file to read. It reveals his personal data in detail and all the crimes he's commited.

"What in the world?" Grae uses his chin to swipe to the second page and finds dozens of candid pictures and documented conversations with friends. Humbled, Grae slams his head on the table. "Yup, this is it. There's no talking your way out of this one. I should've gotten out when I had the chance."

Suddenly a revolving door reels open and the room's florescent light powers on.

Grae pops up predicting the worse. He watches a whistling woman enter inside and lock the door with a keypad.

"Welcome officer." She struts forward with exotic weapons bouncing off her hips and sits on the edge of the table. She crosses her legs and smiles, "I'm so glad to finally meet you Grae. Can I get you anything? Water or juice?"

"How about the key to these handcuffs."

She laughs. "In due time. I just want to ask you a few questions first."

Grae cries. "Where am I?"

"There is nothing for you to worry about. You're on the safest level on this ship which is ourIota interrogation loft."

"Iota? Whoa, I think you all taking my misdenmenors a little too serious now?"

"No sin is smaller than the next."

"I disagree."

"And that's the problem. We're living in a world that loves to compare our struggles and justifies them according to acceptance. But the truth is the Arvelee wants you purged off this ship no matter what."

"For what?"

"Let's skip pass that because we have the power to expunge everything you've commited. We - I can see that you have good intentions and can be used immensely in our organization."

"With all due respect, I wouldn't be caught dead working for the Iotas. You are all crooked?"

She ignores the insult and uses a finger to comb her red hair over her ear. She adjusts her glasses and picks up his folder. "Theft, vandalism, card possession, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, assault and 4 counts of trespassing. Grae I don't think you have much of a choice. I'm willing to make all this go away."

Grae shrugs. "In exchange for what?"

The mysterious woman smiles and seductively asks, "To help us find Nulo?"

Grae frowns. "What makes you think I know where he's at?"

She grabs a hand full of pictures and deals them on his lap. "Becausee've seen the two of you together and we know you're secretly planning something. All you have to do is find Nulo, wearing this tracking device and let us hear what he knows."

Grae leans back in the chair and sighs. "How did I get myself into this?"

Two days earlier, Grae hides in a dark of control booth towered over an empty arena. He fumbles with his glove and tries to scratch an itch while it's still on. Grae quickly removes his arm cannon and nibbles on his knuckle as if it's his only solution. He wiggles his bare three fingers around and moans, "Oh yes, much better." He slips his AC glove back on and reactives it to fire. Grae checks the time inside the control booth and sighs, "Where is this fool?" Grae uses the booth's computer to begin a search. He type in his username and selects a beacon tracker option. As he hits enter, Grae hears footsteps climbing the ladder below. He ducks his head and tucks himself alongside the wall.

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