Raditz x daughter reader

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I just got done reading a Raditz x daughter reader and I actually cried from it, I'm also gonna get my other requests in.

You ran around your room on Frieza's ship waiting for your father to come back from his mission, you hated that he never took you on any, you were a saiyan and you were 10 years old your strong enough to fight. Vegeta and Nappa came back and you ran right to them, you loved hanging out with them, even though they were kind of cold hearted, mainly Vegeta, Nappa was nice for the most part. "What do you want you little rat." Vegeta said, you completely ignored the ride ass name he called you. "Is my daddy coming back today?" You asked in a really sweet voice. "The hell if I know, if anything he's probably already dead he's the weakest out of the 3 of us...and he calls himself a saiyan warrior." Vegeta scoffed.

Nappa agreed with Vegeta but patted your head. "I'm sure he'll be back soon y/n don't worry." "Okay!" You said, Vegeta and Nappa left, while you sat on your fathers bed kicking your legs in the air waiting for him. A few hours passed and you fell asleep, your tail wrapped around your body as you held your hands up to your face. You woke up feeling a hand on your head brushing your black spiky hair, you opened your eye and saw your father. "Daddy!" You said as you jumped up and hugged him, Raditz laughed he smiled as he hugged you back. "I missed you too my little princess." You smiled, as he sat you back down on the bed.

"Y/n, I know I just got back, but here soon I'm gonna have to leave again." Your eyes teared up bit. "Really...." You said in a sad voice. "Yeah...I'll be leaving to a planet call earth, that's where my little brother, your uncle Kakarot was sent." An idea popped into your head. "Daddy can I go with you please please please." Raditz shook his head. "Sweetie, you know you can't go with me on missions, I don't want something to happen to you." "Come on Daddy please, I'm 10 years old, and really strong for my age, I promise I won't cause any trouble or get in any danger, so please please please please please!"

Raditz couldn't say no to you when you gave him the puppy eyes, he gently smiled and nodded his head. "Yeeeees!" You shouted. "Now y/n listen to me, if something happens where I have to fight, I want you to stay in the pod or run and hide, do you understand me." He said the last part very seriously. You nodded your head. "Yes I understand."

Time skip

You and Raditz landed on earth and saw how Kakarot didn't do his mission, which was to wipe out the human race. You heard your father scoff as see the humans live their lives peacefully. "Y/n listen to me okay, I want you to stay here by or in the pod until I get back got it." See that your father was clearly upset, you agree to it. "Okay daddy." Raditz kissed your forehead and patted your head. "I promise I'll be back okay." He smiled, you smiled back. "Okay." Raditz flew off with you sitting there alone by the pod waiting for him to come back.

Time skip

You sat in the pod with the boy Raditz brought back, your father told you that he was your uncles kid. The boy died say anything to you he just stared at you clearly upset some tears running down his face. You discided to break the awkward silence and start a conversation with the boy. "H-hello, I'm y/n...what's your name?" He didn't say anything at first but once he saw that you meant no harm he spoke. "I...I'm Gohan...." He said, you gave him a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you Gohan, I'm guessing your father it Kakarot right." "I don't know anyone by that name...but my father's name is Goku." You did hear your father say something about your uncle not remembering who he was, you were about to say something when suddenly Goku and piccolo came down from the sky.

Your pov

Me and Gohan watch as our fathers and the green man known as Piccolo was fighting I felt tears build up into my eyes seeing my father get hurt, Gohan couldn't control his anger and broke out if the pod and headbutt my father while knocking himself out, that was when Gohan's father grab my dad from behind and a bright bean of light shot through both of them. I saw my dad fall to the ground coughing up blood, I screamed and let my tears fall down my face. "DAD!" I ran over to him. "Y-y/n..." He said as he brought his hand up to my face to wipe away my tears. "It will be okay princess, daddy's gonna be okay." "Please don't leave me daddy, we already lost our home." I said even though I never seen it.

"You have to be strong....for...me....okay. big girls don't cry...." I watched my dad smile a weak smile but it ment everything to him and me. "I love you daddy." I said as more tears fell down my face. "I...love you too...my...little...princess...." I watched as my dad took his last breath and his hand went limp and fell to the ground l. I scream and cried letting any emotion that needed to be released, I completely ignored the sounds of Gohan crying of his dad being dead as well.

A very long time skip

The cell games had became nothing but a life and death. If I died this time I can't be brought back, I stood up trying to compose myself. "Your so weak." Cell said just as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. All I heard was my name and Gohan running to me, then darkness. I opened my eyes to see white all around me. "Hello." I said, my voice echoed all around me, I walked for a minute before I heard my name. "Y/n." I stop in my tracks, and turned around, I tall man with long black spiky hair stood behind me with his arms crossed. "D...dad?!" I said, my voice breaking, he opened up his arms. "Come here princess." Tears ran down my face as I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him hugging him tight. "Daddy." I cried, he patted my head holding me close. "Look at you all grown up, I'm so proud of you sweetie." I smiled through tears as he gently took my hand and we walked into the light together to be with the rest of our family, and our race.

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