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          "Oh my gods how did I literally forget about Laszlo. . ?!"
          Jacob's prediction of 'a day or two' arriving at Three Bridges had been off by another two days, the damages done by the most recent attack unfortunately stalling progress just the tiniest bit. You didn't mind it that much, because if you had arrived at Three Bridges in only two days, you'd probably just be stuck bedridden. So the extra time given to you to heal was more than appreciated.
          The man laughs from in front of you as two sat on the floor of his room, currently drinking and exchanging stories for old time's sake. Since you were children you'd always hung around the main mast under Sarah's supervision, only stopping once she deemed you two responsible enough to be able to keep yourselves safe. It became sort of a spot for you and Jacob, and you two did attempt to climb it again for this drinking session.
          But after a thorough explanation from both Miss Merino and captain Crow about how that was a terrible idea when it was barely holding up, you two decided to just move to Jacob's room. You'd do it in yours, but you were getting absolutely sick of the sight of it with how much time you've spent cooped up on your bed. The first time you were able to step out since your injuries was just early morning today.
          "Well to be fair, you're not exactly known for your memory." He chuckles, drinking from a bottle that you two snagged from the many stocked in the bottom of the ship. He passed it to you, and you groaned as you threw your head back before you could even take your own sip. "I know but like he's a whole ass person! How could I have forgotten a whole ass person?!"
          He shrugs, currently leaning on his bed with one leg folded up and arm resting on it. "And he's also you—"
          "And also my first romantic partner whatever so seriously, how?!" Jacob only laughs louder as you finally got the bottle to your lips, taking multiple gulps as he's forced to awkwardly chuckle. "Okay, woah, slow down there, lass, we've barely started."
          It takes like a second or more before you dettach the bottle from your lips with a pop, Jacob's thoughts going unsavory when he sees some of the alcohol dribble down your chin. He clears his throat and forces himself to look away, while you didn't seem to notice at all even as you wiped it and blindly handed him back the bottle. "Like okay, I'd maybe understand if he was just some random person, that I'd most definitely forget. But for the love of gods Jacob he's seen me naked! I've seen him naked!! How do you forget someone like that?!"
          His coughing is quick to catch your attention, using the back of his hand as you continued to pout in disapproval of your bad memory. He, however, was more-so concerned with how you just said that so casually.
          He only continues to cough, pounding a fist to his chest as your frown deepens. "Are you done? I'm trying to make a point."
          "Oh don't even worry about it Cruickshank you've made several." Jacob clears his throat a few times as he's finally settled, catching his breath as you roll your eyes. His heart isn't given much of a break though when you basically crawl over to him, grabbing his wrist and taking another gulp while he still held onto the bottle. He felt like a young boy again, flustered and embarrassed at that weirdly provocative gesture while you seemed so painfully unaware of it. Gods, if only you knew how much of a grip your presence alone had on his entire being.
          "Oh please, we're adults here, it's not like this is the first time you've heard of the concept of sex." You end up sitting back down a lot closer to him now, crossing your legs and leaning backwards onto the curtains that covered his own small circular window similar to yours. He had a lot more space in his room, seeing as where you had a desk, he had a smaller table with a single drawer. It looked oddly depressing.
          "Whatever, whatever, I'll probably like. . .deal with him whatever once we actually get there." Jacob thankfully can now throw away the two words 'sex' and 'Y/N' out of his lightly intoxicated and heavily flustered brain as you let the subject pass, the man taking a longer sip in an attempt to try and get wasted quicker. It was sort of working. "Crossing that bridge when we get there type of thing, eh?"
          You scoffed, going to hug your legs and resting your chin on the crevice of your knees. "More like burning it. Whatever I'm tired, start talking, man."
          Some sense of normalcy comes back as he chuckles, giving the quickly-emptying bottle a swirl as he seems like he was trying to recall something. "I mean. . .oh there was this one time that we almost caught the Red Bluste—" There was a thud and a gasp, almost jumping as he sees that you've grabbed your dagger and had stabbed into the wall in surprise. It's a miracle how it didn't cut his curtain. "Shut up, no way! Tell me everything!!"
          He blinks for a few moments kind of just staring at you, before he snickers. "Pretty hard to do that when you're telling me to shut up."
          "Oh you know what I bloody mean, just tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me!!"
          "Alright, alright!" He laughs, almost shoving the bottle in your hands as if it was his attempt at trying to shut you up. It sort of worked, and you grabbed it eagerly. "Okay so. . .well there's not much to tell. We chased after it, but it slipped away right before we could catch up. Disappeared right under the waves." Your face scrunches in judgement right before you could take another swig, and he shrugs. "That doesn't like 'almost catching it', mate, if I'm to be honest with you."
          "Yeah well it makes all the difference when it's the first time you've seen it in over five years." You shrug and finally finish the bottle, wiping your mouth as you stare at the opening disappointingly. "Seriously?"
          "Maybe that's a sign to stop then, you're looking awfully red." He tries to shift the attention away from him when he feels himself getting flustered again, seeing. . .well ironically enough he was getting flustered by your red face. From the overly excited attitude and the slight slurring he could tell that this was the bottle that finally got you tipsy, noting that you probably already had your fill before you even left your room and you two decided to do this.
          "Pfft, no, I'm fine," You slap his bicep, and you almost look surprised, pausing for a moment staring at it with your wide eyes blinking. There was an awkward silence as Jacob is left there staring at you in confusion, about to open his mouth to say something before you seemed to snap out of it and look off in. . .well, in even more surprise. "Yeah, no, you're right, I need to stop, I genuinely thought I stood up." You shake your head and rub your eyes, almost nervously chuckling as you continued, "Wow, dude, have you been like, working out or something? Because this. . ." You gestured to him entirely, "This feels like a whole routine."
          He feels himself heat up like a well-lit furnace before you actually stood up, stumbling as he attempts to help you. You only stubbornly lift a finger, "No, don't, I'm fine." You take a moment to let the world settle around you, before deeming it stable enough for you to head for his door. "I'm fine, I promise I just gotta. . .I'm gonna go, walk it off." You slowly nod, as if you just figured out that excuse, "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going to go walk it off."
          Completely disregarding the downright embarrassing experience of you complimenting his physique, he's back to being his usual self when he only raises a brow at your stumbling form and chuckles. "You're going to get more alcohol aren't you?"
          "You bet your fine blond ass that I do— Morgana! Morgana, hey!!" You end up cutting yourself off as you broke off into a jog hollering out into the rest of the ship, an incoherent noise of surprise and protest leaving his throat as he tries and fails to comprehend what you just said.
          Did you just. . .did you just call him fine? He was. . .he was imagining it right? No, no, he was sure he heard you loud and clear. Were you joking? I mean duh yes you're Y/N he's known you long enough to know that almost everything you did was to mess around, and you have complimented him before. But. . .but were you?? Were you just joking?
          . . .
          He looks down at the empty bottle in his hands that he hadn't even realized you'd shove back to him, spinning lightly before he closes his eyes and slowly puts his head back. Gods, he was losing his mind.

𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙢𝙚, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩-𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙨 || ʲ. ʰᵒˡˡᵃⁿᵈWhere stories live. Discover now