Chapter 1: Ice Cream Hair

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"Call me Ice Cream Hair and attack my friends again and I'll make sure you fucking won't see another day!" I yelled at the two men who had previously just mocked me and attacked my only few friends in this disgusting world.

"Call me Ice Cream Hair and attack my friends again and I'll make sure you fucking won't see another day!" I yelled at the two men who had previously just mocked me and attacked my only few friends in this disgusting world

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"Hmph, pathetic police." I muttered as I walked away.

Gawd I still don't fucking know why they still keep going after us kids?! We did nothing wrong! Well, yet.

"Ezra are you OK?!" My green haired friend quickly rushed over to me. "I'm so sorry that we-"

"It's nothing, it's wrong of them for attacking a couple of low tiers who did nothing wrong." I sighed.

I was covered in old cuts and scrapes from previous fights and even some bandage. I hadn't really gotten cared for a lot lately.

"We shouldn't have been out and about, you know the President put a curfew on us." Another friend of mine but female who had orange and white hair said.

" Another friend of mine but female who had orange and white hair said

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"That's ridiculous!" I told her. "Our president can go to hell with his stupid curfew! I'll take you two home, alright?"

They both agreed with me and I protected them all the till I dropped them off to their houses.

Damn that's really sad, they got attacked while on a date. I really hate this world.

Let me put you in on what's going on: We live in a totalitarian state, one that has a government worse than even Stalin Communism could think of. We have no rights anymore, the clouds are eerily red and we kids are basically controlled in every way possible.

This is our future world, we have high tech but not for good reason anymore.

After I dropped them off I went straight home, I wasn't fast but I managed to get home before the police scanners could spot me.

Immediately as I opened the door to our tiny apartment right smack in the middle of downtown, my mom grabbed me and exclaimed "Where have you been?!"

"Mom my friends were having a date and they got in trouble all I did was simply help them." I explained while my mother was basically chocking me by hugging me too hard.

She let go of me and said "Fine, I know you're powerful and want to flex off your powers but your friends also have powers too so let them handle their problems. I don't want my kid dying because he wanted to play hero."

"But mom they're low tiers! Leo is a 1.3 and Ramona is a measly 1.0" I explained to her.

"And? Your father died playing hero, I don't want you dying too." She said to me. "I love you too much for you to die so please just stay home and safe."

"Alright mom." I sighed.

It was true, my dad did die not too long ago. I remember the scene, it was brutal and traumatizing. I remember being so sad that day, I wanted to avenge him and I still do but alas my mother won't let me but that's understandable.

"If the president didn't mandate all kids go to local unification school I would homeschool you." Mom added.

"I guess." I sat down. "But I want to do something ma! My ability score is a 7.1 which means I'm powerful! I want to take all of this structure down and all. Why can't I?!" I whined.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"I know that! But I just want to contribute!"

"You're also only 15." She argued. "Just be a kid."

"How am I supposed to be a kid if it's illegal to go outside during 'down time' which is 3pm?!" I whined. "It's stuff like that!"

"I understand, it's hard." She sighed. "Just do try to live and if you want to be a rebel later in life then do so but right now please don't."

I sat down with disappointment, I wanted to rage against the machine BUT GUESS I CAN'T.

"Alright I'm going to make dinner, you should go take a shower." My mom told me.

"Yeah I look filthy, alright."

I left the kitchen and took a shower, as I was in there I plotted of ways to take down the authorities.

And also how I would have to protect them tomorrow for their next date.

My friends are so incompatible, why are they even dating?! They argue all the time!

I didn't really care anyways but soon immediately my mind drifted away to random thoughts and I ate dinner shortly after.

My poor mama, she always has a lot on her mind.

I wish dad was here.

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