Chapter 5: "M-Mom?! What happened to you?!"

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Three hours later:

I was eating some canned soup I found that was probably ten years old but I didn't care and decided to eat it anyways.

While I was eating my old shit I was watching whatever propaganda junk on TV just sitting there bored.

But out of nowhere I heard the door unlock.

I turn my head around and see my mother coming in from the door. She was crying and she looked she had been through something rough.

"M-mom?! What happened to you?!" I jumped up frantically.

"Doesn't matter." She forcibly smiled. "We now can afford better things and not be poor." She held up a bunch of currency before bursting into tears.

"Wait? What actually happened?!" I asked.

"I-I don't want to tell you." She stated
"I don't want you thinking differently of me."

"I won't ever! I promise!" I swore.

She sat down on a kitchen chair and tried to wipe her face. "A couple of g-guys at work were constantly hitting on m-me and t-today they said they'd pay me a couple hundred UniCoins if they could have abusive..."

"Abusive what ma?"

"A-abusive sex and," she started to cry. "And I did it cause I know we're poor and that we need the money."

"I would live in a box than rather have you do that!" I said to her, I hugged her and she cried her last tears out.

What kind of world do we even live in anymore if she has to hurt herself to live?!

"I know but I would rather you be safe and healthy." She said. "J-just forget about. It doesn't matter now."

"Well it does ma! Next time I'll sell my game systems, they are a couple years old anyways and I don't play on em!" I told her. "I'll make sure you don't have to do that again."

She weakly smiled at me. "You're so sweet Ezra, such a good kid."

Pfft, guess not if you have to do shit like this.

"Ma I have to go somewhere real quick I'll be back." I told her, I left before she could even say anything.

I started to locate her job, she worked at a small run down factory as an accountant.

The factory was still operating with it's greasy gears and it's toxic smell but I went straight to the offices.

There I found two men, discussing matters between each other.

I gathered up the bravery and I walked up to them. "Do you happen to know Fiora the accountant who works here?"

"Yes? What are you doing here kid and why?" One of the guys asked, with red shaven hair and a nose ring. "This is not a place for teenagers!"

"Hmm are you two her co-workers?" I continued.

"Yes?! Why are you asking these questions and what are you doing at the factory office in the first place!" Another guy asked, blonde and a little long haired.

"Because you two KNEW my mother was poor and took advantage of her! How dare you two!" I yelled at the both of them.

"Aw how sweet, a boy trying to protect his mama." Red haired nose ring said. "Look kid, we paid her and she agreed to it."

"She needed the money badly for rent you assholes and you two AGAIN took advantage of her!"

"Well what are you going to do about it?"

"I dunno but I do know I am a 7.1" I said, I fused the greasy oily element with energy and fired hot oil at the both of their faces.

They both screamed in pain, it was honestly very pathetic.

Damn it if only I had a REAL ability to use and not some stupid element like grease!

Blondie wiped his face and shouted. "You STUPID FUCKING KID! This the factory office not a warzone!" He hurled a steel disc at me.


Ability: Steel Shaper

Level: 2.4

I dodged the steel disc and quickly warmed up my own power. I emerged from my arms two steel energy blades and slashed Blondie in the....lower area.

He collapsed from too much pain and bloodloss. He was fairly quick.

It's interesting being a 7.1 in a now weak society.

"Alright kid you need to know your place!" Red haired nose ring yelled. "Not everyone is fucking super villain you stupid mama's boy!"

He charged at me with two ABSURDLY large orange fists, I jumped threw chair at him to stall him for a good sec while I got an ability up.

"Red haired nose ring"

Ability: Gorilla Fist.

Level: 2.7

I stopped his punch with an steel energy blade, when I got the chance I stabbed his abdomen and fell down, holding his chest while heavy breathing in pain.

"My ability is too powerful for even you to understand." I said to the both of them. "I could have you two killed in a second, the next time you want to pay my momma something don't take advantage of her or else..."

I put my energy steel blades right up their necks. ".... I'll have your throat slit."

I got back up and turned around. I was capital P PISSED.

But it's sad that things like this do happen all the time, money is such a scarcity now. Everything is so expensive now it's sickening. Maybe the rebels have a plan to fix all this?

I walked out of the factory, I glanced at the oily machinery once more before I was out.

I walked back home for a while until I arrived.

Unlocking the apartment door inside, I still saw my mother crying.

"Hey ma." I said while I still had my ability still on.". I took care of those guys.

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