¢нαρтєя 1

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                         CHAPTER 1
     "Parties, Hospitals, And The News"

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"What a great day to have a party!"

I can't help but to roll my eyes at Byeongsu's uppity sarcasm. It's an absolute shitty day to have a party. The air was frigid and my tan skin already seemed to turn pale. It didn't help that I was never one for parties. I was always sitting along the wall or in the kitchen; as far as I can get from the rowdy teenagers packed in one area.

Byeongsu playfully shoved me as we walked up to Hyunwoo's lit-up house, pulling me away from my thoughts. "Come on, stop looking so miserable, you don't want to bring down everyone's moods, especially Hyunwoo's."

Like that was even possible. Hyunwoo was the most cheery person you could ever meet. Nothing ever brought down his mood. Unless Byeongsu was sad.

I went to knock on the door but before my clenched fist could hit the door, it was pushed open by Byeongsu.

The bright lights were a bit blinding and the scent of smelly teenagers and alcohol had me wrinkle my nose in disgust.

I guess I haven't been to a party in a while. Well more like ever. They weren't that common anyways. Most people went to clubs or bars if they wanted to party. But for some odd reason, Hyunwoo has some weird obsession with American culture and insisted on having the stereotypical American movie-like house party.

"Vincent! Byeongsu~!" Hyunwoo yelled over the loud music. He pushed his way through the dancing teens; subtly dancing himself as he made his way over to us.

"Hey," I muttered as I awkwardly patted his back when he came in for a hug. I watched as he moved on to Byeongsu. Hyunwoo went in for a hug but Byeongsu quickly blocked it, pushing the wild boy away from him.

"Don't touch me," He muttered, then pushed his way to the kitchen. Hyunwoo and I followed. As we entered the kitchen we were met with an array of drinks sat on the counter. How Hyunwoo acquired all of this is a mystery, but knowing him, it definitely wasn't legal.

I looked around for a bit taking in the horrible party decorations. It was. . . tacky. Why did he decorate in the first place? And with halloween decorations at that. It's literally January.

The feeling of hands sneaking up my shoulders caused me to jump. I quickly swung around to see none other than Aiko standing there sheepishly.

"Woah," Aiko chuckled, putting his hands up as if to surrender. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh yeah? Well, say that to my increasing heart attack." I joked.

"I said I was sorry~" Aiko did his usual big puppy eyes and poked his bottom lip out in a pout.

"Stop all the sappy shit and start drinking already." Byeongsu said. He had shot glasses laid out on the table and was filling each up. Once he filled the last one he took it and downed it, his face scrunching up from the taste.

"I don't favor alcohol," I stated.

"Fucking nerd." Byeongsu muttered before tilting his head back with another shot.

Hyunwoo dramatically gasped. "That's so rude of you, Tinkerbell." Before Byeongsu could retaliate against the horrible, but accurate nickname, Hyunwoo hopped on the kitchen counter.

"Attention everybody!" Hyunwoo attempted, trying to yell over the loud music. Although few heard him, the crowd continued to dance and talk.

"Everybo-!" Hyunwoo's lame attempt was cut off by Byeongsu.

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