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    Chapter 2
   "And So It Begins"
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The party went into a frenzy. Screams of unidentifiable curse words filled the room. Cups, snacks and liquids scattered across the floor as rushing footsteps neared the front door.

And soon enough the room was damn near empty with only a few remaining.

Thoughts rushed a mile a minute in my head. I couldn't help but think of how to get to my mom and brother. How could all this even have happened? How is this even real? I've only ever seen these in films, especially that one American show Hyunwoo likes to watch. I think it was called the-

"-walking dead! I've seen that show a million times. I know what to do!" Hyunwoo shouted.

This idiot.

"Hyunwoo, how can you be so dumb? A show isn't going to help us in a fucking real life situation. Think rationally for once you dumbass!" Byeongsu hissed out. Hyunwoo just ignored him and continued his rant to Aiko.

"Seeing as we are the only ones with a brain, what's the plan nerd?" I just glanced at Byeongsu and sighed. This situation is extremely complicated. How are we supposed to conjure up a plan in an unknown situation like this? What if these things aren't zombies? And even if they are, how are we to know if everything is like the movies? One hot head, an airhead, and a pretty boy...what's the worst that can happen?


"How did we get lost?!?!"

"I don't know! But let's just turn back to Hyunwoo's house. They have that smart class president dude there. I'm sure he has a plan or-"

"What the fuck was that?" The two boys heard rattling coming from the alleyway they were passing.

"I don't know, what if it's one of those zombies?" One of the boys asked in fear.

"I don't really care, we should just leave." Before they could even take their first step, the zombie lashed out from the dark. Snarling and growling as it ran to catch one of the boys. In swiftness the boy dodged the attack but the noise caused other zombies nearby to notice the commotion.



They darted down the street, cutting corners and hopping over spilled trash. Nearing the house in record time they sighed in relief, pounding on the door for anyone to answer.

"PLEASE LET US IN THERE'S ZOMBIES COMING! I KNOW SOMEONE'S IN THERE!" Minho practically sobbed out. The boys were in panic and all this commotion caused the boys outside to freeze in terror.


"What the hell was that?" Aiko questioned, confusion and concern written on his face.

"It sounds like someone wants us to open the door." Hyunwoo answered.

"No shit Sherlock." Byeongsu deadpanned. "Don't open that door. They said more zombies are coming."

"But they really need our help. We can't just leave them out there to die," Hyunwoo uttered out, a small frown forming. This almost caused Byeongsu to cave in but he stood his ground.

"It's either them or the risk of killing us all," Byeongsu said. His coldness was sharp and I admit, it scared me a bit.

I can faintly recall in all those apocalypse movies that I've watched where people would turn on each other. Hopefully, this wasn't one of those situations. I would hate having to go through this whole 'end of the world' phase without my best friends. Not knowing if they're alive would simply put me into a cardiac arrest.

"Well someone has to do something. The pounding won't stop." Aiko said. They all just glanced around, not moving an inch.

"I'll open the door then." Some random girl uttered out and all eyes soon followed her movements. From the moment she sat up from the staircase to the moment her dainty hand grasped the doorknob.

"Be careful please." Hyunwoo whispered. She just nodded and turned back to the door.

I rushed forward and grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. "Wait! Why is it so eerily quiet outside?" Everyone soon glanced at the door.

"Well I should still check." The girl said, twisting her arm out of my grip. Some people moved as far as they could from the front door while others seemed too scared to move in the first place.

"Go ahead, you dumb bitch. Watch, you're gonna mess around and die like those horror movie idiots." Byeongsu mumbled glaring at the girl.

The girl rolled her eyes and placed her attention back on the door. Everyone closely watched as she slowly turned the doorknob.

The door finally opened and the girl glanced out, "See? Nothing is outside. I bet they just ran away-"

"ARGGGGGGHHHHHH!" A loud screech echoed throughout the house. Faces paled at the sight of the zombies gripping at the girl, devouring her arm like scavengers.

"HELP ME! PLEASE, I'M SORRY!" she sobbed out. Instead of helping, the small crowd moved further from the door, rushing to get away from the gruesome scene.

The white-haired girl who had turned on the news earlier stood there frozen as a zombie made its way to her. My hand instinctively popped out, grabbing the back of her shirt. She fell to the floor with a small thud as I dragged her away from the scene.

Byeongsu cursed before rushing towards the zombies giving the nearest one a swift side kick. The zombie stumbled back into the zombie behind it, letting out an irritated growl. As the ugly monster began to charge, Byeongsu's foot connected with its face causing the zombies to stumble back more and fall just outside the front door.

The girl seemed to have turned after getting mauled. She let out a loud shrieking noise and snapped her jaw. Before she could do anything Byeongsu grabbed the umbrella near the front door and smashed it to her face. He then pushed her outside before slamming the front door shut and locking it. His breaths were a bit heavy as he leaned on the door.

"That bitch pissed me off," he said before letting a wide smirk take over his face.

"I told you she was going to die like in the horror movies."

"BYEONGSU!" the group yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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