Bad Boy

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Troye POV-

As I look across the room I can see this stunning man setting up his recording equipment. This man goes by the name of Tyler Oakley, and he my friends, is the love of my life.

I tip toe up to him and surprise the lavender haired boy by slapping his ass. I then move on to his ear, in which I start to nibble on, "Troye I promised you after the video is made."

My disappointment ruins the building bulge in my briefs. "But Tyler..", I whine. He grants me a smirk, but then it quickly changes to a death glare as Caspar walks in. Immediately, I'm shooed out of the room.

Tyler POV-

After Caspar left I remembered the want Troye had and swept the house to find him. After checking each room twice I couldn't seem to find him anywhere, but then out of no where he comes up from behind me and slaps my ass again like he did earlier, but rougher and harder making it the perfect kind of painful.

I next find him shoving me against the wall. Without even thinking I wrap both my legs around his waist and he pins my hands above my head with his. I was trapped and couldn't even move my head because his lips were smashing so aggressively against mine. Although, quickly the boner I had earlier seemed easier to feel as it found its way back to me.

Our breaths soon became uneven as they left our mouths, and even sweat was visible along Troyes hairline as I glanced up. I have no doubt that what I feel running down the sides of my temples is 80% hairspray and the other 20% sweat. Though this is the greatest part about it. The part where I can raises his heart rate so high, get his blood pumping so fast, and get this reaction out of him and know I'm the only one who can.



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Troye POV-

I use all of what I have to keep Tyler refrained from moving. I pull on small amounts of hair, and in return he opens his mouth and cries out. Immediately I put my tongue in and swirl it around with his. The small moans coming from deep within his throat assure me I'm doing just well. Although the main factor that lets me know I'm doing good is by the feeling of his hard on bulge rubbing against mine through our Demi pants. Tyler puts his head back a little just enough to give me the signal he needs some air and I allow him because I need some too.

"Troye this is.. too much.. teasing." Tyler says throughout heavy breaths.

I laugh as I drag him into our bedroom by the collar of his polo. I then forcefully push Tyler onto the bed. He lays there on his back taking the the last few good sips of air until we're Done.

I climb on top of him and start to pull of his shirt as he pulls off mine. When I'm done I steal a rough affectionate kiss from him.
Quickly I start to work on taking off his belt and then unbuttoning his pants.

Tyler POV-

Troye starts to slip off my pants dragging his tongue along the parts of my leg the Demi left free. I look down and see that my boner is sticking straight up but curved a little at the top because of these god forsaken briefs. Though as Troye finally pulls them off I really start to feel my heart beating in my chest and the tension swirling through me. Almost immediately I feel his warm breath very faintly hit my throbbing length and I freeze up. The moment his tongue touches my slit I relax again, this time pleasure coursing through me. I groan when the cool feeling of his saliva runs down boner to make it more slick for him to jerk off.

"Troye.." I plead.

"Tills you've been a bad boy, so this should be a good punishment." He smirks and then puts his mouth around my boner and starts to bob his head, sucking faster and faster. I continuously groan with each suck.

"Mm, Tro- troye.. keep going."

He obeys and immediately I feel the orgasm pushing. I start to turn my moan into deep heavy breaths and involuntarily close my eyes tight. I even start to grab the bed sheets pulling them in. I can feel pre-cvm dripping inside Troyes mouth, daring to actually cvm.

"T-Troye! Holy sh- Fuck! Troye, I think I'm gonna-!" At the last moment from full release, I find the warmth of his mouth leave my length.

"That's just the start." Troye smirks like he knows something I don't. He then gets up to leave the room then comes back with some handcuffs. He walks over to me and hooks me to the head board. I tried to see how much I could move and it wasn't much.

I pout out my bottom and look at troye, "Daddy, you said I was a bad boy so really treat me like one."

Hallo you munchkins. (If you're new, I call my readers my lil munchkins). Anyways I finally updated this baby after a year and I hope this renewed version is a lot better the original. Okay that's all for now. Love yous.

Twitter: TouchMyOakley

Bad Boy - TroylerWhere stories live. Discover now