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Tyler POV-

Troye had me hand cuffed to the headboard and was about to tie my feet to the bottom of our bed. I look down and My Dick was throbbing from the needed attention. I wanted it to be touched...and by the looks of it, so did it. When Troye was done he looked down at me and then got close up in my face. I could see and feel his hand holding my bullocks tight.

Troye smirked and asked "What's my name?"

I laughed, "Is this a trick question? It's Troye."

He gave my bullocks a good tight squeeze. I winced my eyes and pulled on the restraints from the pain, but the immediately after his loosened his grip I felt the pleasurable feeling rush through my body which made me moan.

He asked again, "What's my name?", But firmer.

I looked pitiful in his eyes, "Tilly?" I squealed.

He laughs in my face, "Nope. That's your name."

I feel me tense up as I realize how much of a fool I am. Just as I expected he
gave my bullocks another squeeze but five times tighter than before. I pulled down my arms in reaction to pain only to withheld from full capabilities, so my body makes up for it by yelping out loud. I feel a tear roll down my cheek as the pain wares off and the pleasure sits in.

The next time Troye backs out of my personal space and sits on the bed beside me. He then places his hand on my Dick and starts tugging on it slowly and teasingly.

"Let's try this one more time. What's my name?"

His eyes are hard focused on my boner as if it's the key to immortality. My breaths quicken with the tugs of Troye. I close my eyes and pull on my restraints as hard as I can because of the orgasm rushing through my body will explode once it hits the surface.

"Daddy please..." my mouth threw out. The cheeks on my face become red as a spanked ass. Never have I ever felt such embarrassment in my life, but all of that goes away when Troye takes his mouth to my Dick and starts blowing me off. My moans turn into calls of daddy.

"Oh Daddy please, please give me this. I wanna cum all in your mouth..."

This makes Troye suck harder. He even starts to take his right hand and squeeze my bullocks like before, but this time I don't feel the pain just straight pleasure. I feel like cum rising to the head of my erection ready to pour all into Troyes mouth.

"daddy.. please."

In just an instant my whole body under goes shock and squirts my whole load into Troyes mouth. The metal from the handcuffs begins to make cuts into my wrists as I pull my hands down to hold my throbbing erection but knew it was no use. I'm completely lost why I haven't figured out I can't move my limbs at any costs.

Troye POV-

The taste of his cum melted my taste buds as the sweet and salty flavor invaded my mouth. I smile and try to swallow most of it but it's literally impossible because there's too much cum. Some runs down the sides of my mouth. I lean down and kiss Tyler as a trick way to get him to taste himself.

"Good boy. My name is daddy and daddy only." I pause for a second "Oh and by the way good boys get good rewards." I then wink and spank his thigh. His leg twitched and without the restraint he would've pulled his leg in from involuntary reaction.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked.

I give him a concerned look, "Yes Twink?"

He took a deep breath and tried to look more confident then he's ever been, "I don't want to be a good boy. I want to be spanked and tied. I just want to be plainly punished. Punished the roughest and hardest you got."

I smiled at him and felt a good feeling that I was gonna like this. "Oh. You thought I was gonna treat you like this the whole time? boy you must be way in over your head because the pain and pleasure you're gonna feel is just unimaginable."

Tyler's Boner started to grow again I could easily tell from the way he tried to cover himself with his legs. Didn't work out very much considering he's tied. So I untied and unlocked him from the restraints and then flipped him over on his hands and knees. Retying him was tough but I got it done.

With his nice slightly pale ass in the air and his gaping asshole asking for it, I brought out the leather whip and spanked him hard with it. He flinched forward and moaned.

"harder...daddy..." He whispered.


FRICKLE FRACKLE I FORGOT TO ADD AN AUTHORS NOTE. - So yeah I legit wrote this in an hour so Idek if it's good. I'm going to continue this smut all the way to the 4th chapter. So sorry for the cliffhangers but it's a must.

Love you guys <3

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